WWE 2K23: John Cena 2k Showdown - How To Complete All Showcase Matches - Gamer Tag Zero (2024)

Every new year WWE 2K features a brand-new 2K Showcase. This year on WWE 2K23, none other than the renowned wrestler John Cena is seen as the star of the 2K Showcase. As players, we will have the opportunity to relive some of his most talked-about matches in history and even defeat him at his own game. Now let’s go through the detailed guide about the matches we will be playing and how we can fulfill the objectives of each of them.

Table of Contents

WWE 2k23: John Cena 2k Showdown – Full Guide On How To Complete All Showcase Matches


Start with a Headlock Punch. Stand behind Cena and Press B/Circle. Then A/X. You have to Dodge/Block/Reverse two attacks from Cena in the beginning. Now perform a Rebound Attack on Cena. Then Use an Irish Whip.

To Hit Cena with a Rock Bottom on the table, use R1/R2 + A/X to attack Cena with the finisher and Cena leaning on the table. Hints: One can either Irish Whip Cena to get him on the table or Grab Cena with B/Circle and then LB/L1(HOLD)+ LS (towards the table). Then make sure to take the cover off the table.

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Next, use an Arm Wrench DDT on Cena. While standing in front of Cena, press B/Circle to grab him. Then LS(Up) + A/X. While in the ring, run (LT/L2 + LS towards Cena) + A/X to do a Jumping Clothesline. Then attempt a Light Combo.

To cause notable damage to your opponent, successfully hit, grapple, or dive at your opponent. Attempt a Sharpshooter with Cena grounded and Signature sorted. Use RT/R2 + X/Square.

Throw Cena out of the ring, and Irish Whip him into the steel chairs. Hit a Rock-Bottom in the ring. Reverse/ Resist an attack. Perform an Opponent Taunt (Left Pad (Right)). Finish it with a Diving Attack while Cena is standing up.


Press B/Circle while in front of the opponent + LS (Direction) + X/Square to do Two Front Light Grapples. Then hit, wrestle, or dive at your opponent to make eminent damage. For an Ankle Lock Finisher, press RT/R2+ A/X while standing at the feet of the grounded Cena and Finisher stored.

Hit a Combo that uses A/X (Check Angle’s combos in the Pause Menu) to execute a Heavy Combo. Then hit a Light Attack with X/Square. Hit RT/R2 + X/Square with Signature stored to hit the Angle Slam. Next, you should let Cena attack you so you can dodge or reverse. Do this three times in a row.

Then do three German Suplexes on Cena in-ring, press B/Circle to grab Cena, then LS (Left) + A/X. Lastly, perform a Light Combo.


Attack with a Dropkick on Cena on the rebound of an Irish Whip, and press Hit X/Square. Block/Dodge three of Cena’s attacks. Stand on the apron with Cena in the ring, hit B/Circle to attack with a Slingshot DDT on Cena. Take advantage when he is grounded and perform a Submission on Cena. Hit a Front Heavy Attack on Cena. Press B/Circle to grab, followed by A/X, and execute a Front Heavy Grapple.

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Next, With Signature stored, Styles on the apron, and Cena grounded in the ring, press RT/R2 + X/Square, and hit Styles’ 450 Splash. Then Stand behind the opponent in-ring. Hit B/Circle to grab, followed by LS (Left) + A/X, and try a Wheelbarrow Facebuster. Do a Grab Combo.

Get Cena in the corner, then press X/Square to perform a Light Corner Attack. Hit on opponent’s legs, press B/Circle by the opponent’s grounded legs, then X/Square.

Now, while standing next to ropes while in-ring, hit LB/L1 + X/Square and perform Springboard Moonsault DDT. Go on with another Front Heavy Grapple Attack. Then With Finisher stored, hit RT/R2 + A/X (must be on the apron) to do the Phenomenal Forearm. At last, Pin Cena down.


Begin with an Attack on Cena with two Heavy Combos. Then do a Spear on Cena in the ring. Hit another Spear on Cena. Attempt a pin in the last (hint: if Cena tries to kick out, keep pinning him until the match is over).


Start attacking with a Heavy Combo on Cena, press X + X + A, Square + Square + X). Try for a Front Corner Attack. You have to suplex Cena eight times in total.

The controls for Lesnar’s suplexes are 1) Front Grapple – B/Circle, LS (Left) + A/X 2) Rear Light Grapple – B/Circle, LS (Down) + X/Square, and 3) Rear Heavy Grapple – B/Circle, LS (Up) + A/X

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Then efficiently hit, wrestle, or dive at your opponent to cause prominent damage. Go for submission in the ring. Perform a Rear Heavy Grapple by standing behind Cena and pressing B/Circle. Then, LS (Direction) + A/X. Suplex Cena seven more times. Opponent Taunt Cena two times. Now use two more Heavy Combo on Cena.

With Cena on the ground, move towards his legs. Then, B/Circle + X/Square and Hit Cena with a Leg Stomp Limb Attack. With Finisher, RT/R2 + A/X Go for an F-5 (hint: Do not hold A/X. This will create a Kimura Lock). Then you can Pin Cena.


Perform a Rebound Attack on Cena, after sending the opponent to ropes with Irish Whip, hit X/Square, A/X, or B/Circle, and don’t run. Attack with a Hammer Throw.

While standing in front of Cena, B/Circle grabbed him. Then, LS (Up) + A/X and do a Vertical Suplex on Cena at ringside.

Execute an Irish Whip on Cena in the ring. Now Dodge/Reverse/Break three of Cena’s attacks (hint: dodges can be done, regardless if an opponent is attacking you or not). Perform an Opponent Taunt (Left Pad (Left)) in the ring in Cena’s direction. With Finisher stored, press RT/R2 + A/X, and go for a Pedigree.

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Now Dodge/Block three more of Cena’s attacks, Reverse/Break one of his moves and perform another Pedigree. Press X/Square and go for a Light Attack on Cena. When standing in front of Cena, hit B/Circle to grab him.

Then, carry him and press A/X (should look like a powerbomb) to do a Carry Attack. Perform a Spinebuster with Signature stored, RT/R2 + X/Square

Repeat another Pedigree, and perform a fourth Pedigree. Finally, Pin Cena and end the match.


Attack, grapple, or dive at your opponent to cause big damage. Then Use a Hammer Throw on Cena. Grab Cena outside of the ring in the way Cena must be grounded. While on the apron and Cena is in the ring, press B/Circle (get Cena close to you by ropes to perform the move) and attack with Apron Guillotine Drop.

Now Execute two Body Blow and Uppercut moves while standing in front of Cena, move LS towards him + A.

Dodge/Block the opponent’s attacks three times. With Signature stored and standing in front, hit RT/R2 + X/Square to hit Old School Signature Move. Hit Chokeslam Signature Move with Signature stored, and press RT/R2 + X/Square (HOLD).

Then again Dodge/Reverse the opponent’s attacks three times.

While standing in front of an opponent or at the feet/side/head of a grounded opponent hit RT/R2 + B/Circle to do a submission. Now to Break Grapple/Combo attempt you must press X/Square, A/X, or B/Circle, depending on what you think Cena will do.

With Cena dazed in the corner, hit A/X and Hit Front Heavy Corner Attack. Do Two Flip Clotheslines, hold LT/L2 + LS to run at a standing Cena, then A/X.

Again Successfully attack, grapple, or dive at your opponent to cause big damage. At last, With Cena dazed in the corner, hit X/Square and finish with a Front Light Corner Attack.

ALSO READ: MultiVersus: How To Perform Edgeguarding


Irish Whip Cena into the stairs at ringside, then do a Front Light Grapple – B/Circle to grab followed by X/Square. When Orton is on the apron and Cena is in the ring, perform a Face Scrub – A/X. Then, hit Orton’s DDT on Cena – Stand in front of him and use B/Circle to grab, followed by LS (Right) + A/X. Do a Front Heavy Grapple – B/Circle to grab Cena, followed by LS (Down) + A/X. Hit Cena with a chair two times in the ring, then go for a Heavy Combo and do a Crowd Taunt (Left Stick (Left)).

Do a Front Light Attack on Cena in the corner – X/Square, then attempt the Punt Kick – When in the corner and Cena is grounded use RT/R2 + A/X (Do not hold A/X, this will start charging for RKO). Be sure you have your Finisher stored before attempting this move. Finally, pin Cena.


Successfully strike, grapple, or dive at your opponent to do heavy damage — A/X for Xbox, X/Square for PlayStation. Give John Cena a hammer throw. Use Two Heavy Combos to Complete Any Combo with A/X (Go to the Pause Menu to view RVD’s Combo Moves).

Employ an Irish Whip. As Cena is outside the ring, perform a diving moonsault. While Cena is leaning on either the North or South Barricade, use a Corkscrew Leg Drop outside the ring. In the ring, strike John Cena with a steel chair.

Strike the Rolling Thunder signature move of RVD (RT/R2 + X/Square), storing the signature and grounding Cena. Hit a Front Heavy Grapple, then use B/Circle and A/X to grip. Attack with a Dive – Press X/Square or A/X Another Hammer Throw Hit while on the top rope.


Do a Crowd Taunt (Left Pad Left), then grapple your opponent from the front. To perform a Release Back Suplex, stand behind Cena in-ring and press B/Circle to grab him, then Left Stick and A/X. To do a Sidewalk Slam, stand in front of Cena, press B/Circle to grab him, then use Left Stick Up and X/Square. To apply a Figure Four Leglock, stand by the legs of the grounded Cena and press RT/R2 + B/Circle. Do a B/Circle grab while he’s grounded to damage his legs to Orange level.

Grapple from the front again and do three (Light or Heavy) Combos. When you have a Signature stored, hit Spinebuster using RT/R2 + X/Square; for a Finisher, perform the Batista Bomb with RT/R2 + A/X; for a Bearhug Submission move, stand in front of Cena and hit RT/R2 + B/Circle. Reverse or Break an attack with Cena on top turnbuckle by using Irish Whip to put him there first then use Right Stick Up, followed by A/X for the attack. Perform another Batista Bomb before pinning him down!


Perform a Backbreakers/Toss Combo – Stand in front of Cena and press B/Circle to grab him. Then, press Left Stick + A/X. Cause big damage by attacking, grappling, or diving into your opponent. Hit a Fallaway Slam – Stand in front of Cena and press B/Circle to grab him.

Then, press Left Stick Down + X. Reverse/Break one move, then do two Heavy or Grab Combos on Cena in the ring. Execute a Front Heavy Attack on Cena in the ring, then go for a Running Clothesline by pressing and holding LT/L2 towards Cena, followed by pressing X/Square.

Reverse/Break another move and cause massive damage with another attack, grapple, or dive into your opponent. Hit a standing Powerslam on Cena – Stand in front of him and press B/Circle to grab him. Then, press Left Stick Down + A/X. Do a Front Heavy GrapplePress B/Circle to grab Cena then press Left Stick + A for explosive results.


Hit X/Square while Cena is dazed in the corner, then Hit five Front Light Attacks on Cena in the corner. Attack Flip Clothesline on Cena. Now for an Old School on Cena, press B/Circle to grab, followed by Left Stick (Up) + A/X.

Then With Cena dazed in order, press B/Circle to do the front grab. Then, pull the Left Stick away from the opponent + A/X to execute a Snake Eyes/Big Boot Combo.

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Press LT/L2 (HOLD) + Left Stick (towards Cena) to run, then B/Circle and Hit Cena with Running DDT. Successfully attack, grapple, or dive at your opponent to cause prominent damage. Do the Chokeslam Signature Move. With Finished stored, LT/2 + A/X and hit Tombstone Piledriver. Pin Cena to win.


Do a Front Light Grapple Attack – Press B/Circle, followed by a Left Stick (Direction) + X/Square input. Perform a Grounded Heavy Attack – Stand next to your downed opponent and hit A/X. Hit a Crowd Taunt – Push the Left Pad in the Left direction.

Execute a Running Single Leg Dropkick – Before you reach Cena, hold LT/L2 and move the LS towards him. Then, press A/X. Launch a Diving Attack – Climb up to the top turnbuckle and hit either X/Square or A/X; make sure Cena is standing first (you can hit Up on the Left Pad to provoke him).

Do a Grounded Light Grapple Attack – Be next to your grounded foe in-ring and press B/Circle and then X/Square. Pummel your Foe with Two Front Running Attacks – Hold LT/L2 and press either X/Square or A/X.

Hit an Edgecution – Once you have stored your Signature (RT/R2 + X/Square). Strike Cena with three Combos of your choice. Run Towards the Corner for a Top Rope Climb – When Cena is standing in the ringside, hold LT/L2 and move the LS towards the corner.

Hit an Opponent Taunt (Right on Left Pad) if both of you are in the ring. Reverse or Break any attack that Cena attempts on you. Execute another Edgecution afterward if needed. Perform a Spear in the corner with Finisher stored- RT/R2 + A/X will get it done.


Perform a Headlock Punch – Stand behind Cena and press B/Circle. Then, press Down on the Left Stick with X/Square (hint: use Right Stick to turn Cena around). Hit a Front Shoulder Tackle Heavy Grapple Attack – With Cena in the right position, press B/Circle to perform a front grab.

Then, press Toward Opponent on the Left Stick with A/X. Execute two Snap Suplexes – Standing in front of Cena, press B/Circle to grab Cena. Then, press Down on the Left Stick with X/Square.

Throw an Irish Whip at Cena Dodge or Block two of Cena’s attacks or Reverse them Hit a DDT on CenaB/Circle to grab him. Then, press Left on the Left Stick with X/Square. Perform a Heavy Combo Use the Cravate Sleeper – Standing in front of Cena, press RT/R2 and B/Circle simultaneously.

Attempt a Front Running Attack – Run by pressing LT/L2 and Left Stick together then X//Square or A/X. Go for the Superman Punch – With Signature stored and opponent grounded, press RT/R2 plus X/Square (hint: attempt it in the corner).

Make a powerful attack, grapple, or dive to cause significant damage against your opponent Attempt another Front Running Attack. Either Block or Reverse two of Cena’s attacks. Perform a Spear in the corner – With Finisher stored, press RT/R2 plus A/X Hit another Spear on Cena and try pinning him down.

Bonus Matches

When you get to the bonus match, you have the chance to battle Cena with a character of your choosing or a character from the showcase. The first match, it’s a bit of a challenge. You don’t really have any control because Cena will use an AA and come out on top.

The real bonus match is super hard since it’s against “Super Cena”! The game recommends using some Heavy Combos and then going all out in damaging him. Once you’ve done that, hit him with a Finisher and pin him for the win!

The last bonus match is no easy feat either – it’s an elimination match between Cena, Bruno Sammartino, Steve Austin, and Hulk Hogan from the 80s! Use Cena to take them all down in order to win this round.

Thus, that is all the information players will need when it comes to the different matches John Cena will have in WWE 2K23. It is of a complex nature and you will need time, but it can be done if you are focused on the game.

Last Updated on March 15, 2023

WWE 2K23: John Cena 2k Showdown - How To Complete All Showcase Matches - Gamer Tag Zero (6)


A FIFA junkie who can also mix it up with Call Of Duty and racing games. GTA was his first love. Now can be found spending time between writing on what he plays and playing what he will write on.

WWE 2K23: John Cena 2k Showdown - How To Complete All Showcase Matches - Gamer Tag Zero (2024)
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