Roblox Terminal Escape Room: Chapter 2 Walkthrough (2024)

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In the first chapter of Terminal Escape Room, you have to escape a speeding train, but you aren’t out of the woods yet. As luck would have it, you’ve stopped at a mysterious train station with its own set of puzzles. You’re still given a time limit, but it’s far more generous at 90 minutes. Luckily, that’s more than enough time for us to beat Chapter 2 of Roblox Terminal Escape Room together!

Terminal Escape Room Chapter 2: Cutting the Right Wires

Before you do anything, let’s start with picking up a few key items, specifically the screwdriver and scissors. You’ll find the scissors on the tracks, at the back of the train. As for the screwdriver, follow the large posters on the wall to the end, then look at the ground.


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With both tools in hand, head back to the train and look on the hull itself to find a silver box. By examining it, you’ll see the plate can be removed using the screwdriver. You don’t have to equip it—as long as you have the screwdriver, simply select the screws in each corner to remove the front plate.

Now, the wires you see need to be connected in a specific order to power the door directly behind you. So, start by cutting every single wire, then reconnect them in this order:

  1. Purple
  2. Brown
  3. Red
  4. Green
  5. Black
  6. Orange
  7. White
  8. Pink
  9. Yellow
  10. Blue

Using the flashing posters and the billboard on the other side of the train, you can deduce the code for the keypad, which is 2, 1, 9, 3.

Terminal Escape Room Chapter 2: Down the Hatch

How good are you at math, specifically algebra? The next room involves deciphering an equation using the notes on the nearby desktop as your clues to unlock the hatch. Notice how they’re numbered, too? The way the tasks are numbered also represents the order of the code as well.

  1. Complete the equation on the sticky note found by the broken glass.
  2. Find the pipe on top of the train and on the park poster, then fix the piping.
  3. Track Anita’s location using the group of sticky notes by the boat painting.
  4. Literally count the number of sticky notes (and divide by twelve).

All of that sounds like a lot of busy work, though. If you do go through it all, you’ll figure out the code to the hatch is 2, 5, 6, 7.

Terminal Escape Room Chapter 2: Escaping the Maze

After you drop down the hatch, you’ll come to the start of a maze. There are only two things you need to worry about here: finding the exit and a remote.

  • To find the remote: Go left, 2nd right, then right again until you reach the end.
  • To find the exit: Starting from the beginning, go right, left, left again, then right.


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Jump up through the hatch to find a room with a bunch of monitors and another keypad. The monitors in the middle flash a series of colors, accompanied by a letter and number combination.

What you do with those is jot down the letter and number combination for each color. You then take that combo and mark the tile that corresponds with its color. For example, one of the combinations is B3 (Green), so you’d find the monitor with the green chart and mark B3.

Once you’ve marked every necessary tile, you’ll get four numbers. As for their order on the keypad, you use the remote to pause the TV in the corner. The correct order is 2, 6, 7, 8.

Terminal Escape Room Chapter 2: Deciphering the Clues

In the next room, you’ll note two things: four clues on the wall and a wooden bulletin board that has five empty frames. The bulletin board is supposed to act as your key to decipher the clues on the wall, but to find the ciphers, you have to backtrack through the office, the maze, the monitor room, and movie posters to find all five.


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To make the puzzle harder, each clue is a puzzle in and of itself. For example, Clue #1 is “The number of words in this riddle.” Also note that after each riddle, there is a plus sign, which means there’s another equation involved.

Once you’ve deciphered every clue, you’ll get this equation: 45 + 23 x 5 + 30 x 100 + 7 x 46. Following the rules of PEMDAS, you’ll get 3,482 as the answer. Punch 3, 4, 8, 2 into the keypad, enter the nearby elevator, and chapter 2 of Roblox Terminal Escape Room is over!

Roblox Terminal Escape Room: Chapter 2 Walkthrough (2024)
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Name: Annamae Dooley

Birthday: 2001-07-26

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Introduction: My name is Annamae Dooley, I am a witty, quaint, lovely, clever, rich, sparkling, powerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.