Pool Heaters & Heat Pumps: Pool Heating Systems (2025)

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Why Choose Jandy?

Providing industry-leading engineering, Jandy’s innovative line of pool heaters and heat pumps are designed to deliver quality, energy-efficient heating solutions so you can enjoy a longer swim season in your pool.

  • Energy-Efficient Operation
  • Long-Lasting Durability
  • Reliable Performance
  • Easy Installation

Heating solutions

The perfect pool is neither too hot nor too cold. A comfortable and enjoyable 77-85 degrees provides the optimal experience, but depending where you live and what your climate is, keeping a continuous temperature throughout the summer season, or even all year long, will likely require heating your pool.

A pool heater or a pool heat pump are the most common heating solutions that allow you to extend your swimming season. Both enable energy-efficient heating for every budget, and there are various factors to consider when determining which is the best heating solution for your pool.

Heat Pump vs. Gas Heat

Your pool professional can help you decide which is right for you— a gas heater or a heat pump. There are several factors that contribute to determining which pool heating option will work best for your specific pool.

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  • What is the climate where you live?

  • How often do you plan to use your pool?

  • How big is your pool?

  • Average cost of gas/electricity in your area.

Pool Heaters & Heat Pumps: Pool Heating Systems (5)

Gas Heater

A gas pool heater burns gas to heat water for your pool or spa, making it the ideal pool heating solution if you have low-cost access to natural gas or propane, or if you live in a location with high electricity costs.

An advantage of having a gas heater is that they heat your pool or spa faster than a heat pump. Plus, gas pool heaters perform well in any climate — allowing you to quickly heat your pool and spa even when it’s cold out.

Gas heaters come in different sizes for your pool. Your pool professional can help you determine which size gas pool heater is appropriate for you.

Heat Pump

A pool heat pump takes heat from the air and transfers it into your pool water. They are extremely energy-efficient to operate and while they are commonly used in warmer, more humid climates, there are other factors to consider that could make them an effective heating solution in other environments and situations.

As mentioned earlier, a pool professional has the experience necessary to let you know if a heat pump makes sense for you. Typical factors they consider when assessing your situation include:

  • If you live in in an area that has no reliable access to natural gas
  • If you live in in an area that has high gas prices
  • If you live in an area that has low electricity costs
  • If you have access to solar electricity

Explore VersaTemp Heat Pumps

Pool Heaters & Heat Pumps: Pool Heating Systems (6)


Reap the benefits of a gas heater along with additional energy savings of up to 20% with the Jandy JXi™ Pool and Spa Heater with VersaFlo™ - the world's first gas heater with Integrated Bypass technology. This innovative technology allows you to heat your pool or spa when you want to use them and save when you don’t.

With two modes —Heat Mode and Bypass Mode — you can choose when water is directed through the heat exchanger. Pool heaters are typically used only 3.5% of the average annual pump runtime. The other 96.5% of the time, the heat exchanger can be bypassed so the pump works less — saving electrical energy and up to $350 a year.

Explore JXi Gas Heaters

Choosing the Correct Gas Heater for Your Pool and/or Spa

If you and your pool professional have determined that a gas pool heater will work best for your needs, there are still a few more considerations to keep in mind when choosing the appropriate gas pool heater for your pool or spa. Remember, gas pool heaters are complex pieces of equipment. Determining the correct heater for your pool should be done by a licensed pool professional.

Three factors affect how long it takes to heat your pool:

Pool Heaters & Heat Pumps: Pool Heating Systems (7)

Size and features of pool or spa

The shape and size of your pool affect the time needed to heat your pool or spa and how much energy is required to do so. A British Thermal Unit (BTU) is the amount of energy required to raise one pound of water by one degree Fahrenheit. To determine how many BTUs are required to heat your pool, you must first figure out the volume of your pool, which a licensed pool professional can help with.

Pool Heaters & Heat Pumps: Pool Heating Systems (8)

Environmental Conditions

Air temperature, wind, and a number of other environmental factors will figure in to how fast you can heat your pool water. Cooler air temperatures and increased wind have a significant impact on heat loss due to evaporation, necessitating a larger output of energy to heat your pool. It’s important to consider typical weather conditions when determining what size pool heater will work best for you.

Size of heater (BTUs)

Pool heaters are designed with varying levels of BTU output to work efficiently for given pool sizes and weather. Once you’ve factored in your pool’s heating requirements, as mentioned above, you can calculate the required BTUs needed to heat your pool or spa.

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Pool Heat Pumps

NEW! VersaTemp™ Heat/Chill Pump

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Heaters & Heat Pumps

JXiQ™ Gas Pool & Spa Heater

Engineered for installation ease and cost-efficient operation, the JXiQ™ gas pool & spa heater features SMART sensors to ensure proper performance and provide convenient functionality.

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Pool Heaters & Heat Pumps: Pool Heating Systems (34)

Heaters & Heat Pumps

JXi™ Pool & Spa Heater

4.8 Stars (310 Reviews)

The JXi™ heater sets the standard in pool and spa heating technology with its ultra-compact size, lightweight design, and energy-efficiency options that save on heating costs.

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Heaters & Heat Pumps


5 Stars (3 Reviews)

Experience the savings offered by the Jandy Pro Series Hi-E2 Swimming Pool Heater and extend your swimming season all-year-long.

Pool Heaters & Heat Pumps: Pool Heating Systems (2025)
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Name: Greg Kuvalis

Birthday: 1996-12-20

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Introduction: My name is Greg Kuvalis, I am a witty, spotless, beautiful, charming, delightful, thankful, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.