KidKraft Ainsley Outdoor Playset manual (2024)

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INSTALLATION AND OPERATING INSTRUCTIONSToreducetheriskofseriousinjuryordeath,youmustreadandfollowtheseinstructions.Keepandrefertotheseinstructionsoftenandgivethem to any future owner of this play system. Manufacturer contact information provided below.OBSTACLE FREE SAFETY ZONE - 6.8m x 8.5m area requires Protective Surfacing. See page 3.MAXIMUM VERTICAL FALL HEIGHT - 1.8mCAPACITY - 6 Users Maximum, Ages 3 to 10; Weight Limit 110 lbs. (49.9 kg) per child.RESIDENTIAL HOME USE ONLY. Not intended for public areas such as schools, churches, nurseries,day cares or parks.WARNING9400400E Rev 10/25/2017Table of ContentsWarnings and Safe Play Instructions. . . . . . . . . . . pg. 2Protective Surfacing Guidelines. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . pg. 3Instructions for Proper Maintenance. . . . . . . . . . . pg. 4About OurWood – LimitedWarranty. . . . . . . . . . pg. 5Keys to Assembly Success. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . pg. 6Part ID. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . pg. 7A I N S L E Y O U T D O O R P L AY S E T – 0 0 4 0 04 - 8 HrsTwo personassembly3.1m8.5m6.8m2.7mF O R O U T D O O R D O M E S T I C U S E O N LYOlympisch Stadion 291076DE AmsterdamThe NetherlandsEmail: europecustomerservice@kidkraft.comPhone: +31 20 305 8620 M-F from 09:00 to 17:30(GMT+1)For online parts replacement visit! Only for domestic use.

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Warnings and Safe Play InstructionsCONTINUOUS ADULT SUPERVISION REQUIRED. Most serious injuries and deaths on playground equipment have occurredwhile children were unsupervised! Our products are designed to meet mandatory and voluntary safety standards. Complyingwith all warnings and recommendations in these instructions will reduce the risk of serious or fatal injury to children usingthis play system. Go over the warnings and safe play instructions regularly with your children and make certain that theyunderstand and follow them. Remember on-site adult supervision is required for children of all ages.Observe capacity limitations of your play-set. Seefront cover.Dress children with well fitting and full foot enclosingfootwear.Teach children to sit with their full weight in the centerof the swing seat to prevent erratic swing motion orfalling off.Check for splintered, broken or cracked wood; missing,loose, or sharp edged hardware. Replace, tighten and orsand smooth as required prior to playing.Verify that suspended climbing ropes, rope ladders, chainor cable are secured at both ends and cannot be loopedback on itself as to create an entanglement hazard.On sunny and or hot days, check the slide and otherplastic rides to assure that they are not very hot as tocause burns. Cool hot slide and rides with water and wipedry prior to using.Do not allow children to wear open toe or heel footwearlike sandals, flip–flops or clogs.Do not allow children to walk, in front, between, behindor close to moving rides.Do not let children twist swing chains or ropes or loopthem over the top support bar. This may reduce thestrength of the chain or rope and cause premature failure.Do not let children get off rides while they are in motion.Do not permit climbing on equipment when it is wet.Do not permit rough play or use of equipment in amanner for which it was not intended. Standing on orjumping from the roof, elevated platforms, swings,climbers, ladders or slide can be dangerous.Do not allow children to swing empty rides or seats.Do not allow children to go down slide head first orrun up slide.2SERIOUS HEAD INJURY HAZARDInstallation over concrete, asphalt, dirt, grass, carpetand other hard surface creates a risk of serious injuryor death from falls to the ground. Install and maintainshock absorbing material under and around play-set asrecommended on page 3 of these instructions.COLLISION HAZARDPlace play-set on level ground at least 6 feet from anyobstruction such as a garage or house, fences, poles,trees, sidewalks, walls, landscape timbers, rocks,pavement, planters, garden borders, overhangingbranches, laundry lines, and electrical wires. (SeeOBSTACLE FREE SAFETY ZONE on cover)CHOKING HAZARD/SHARP EDGES & POINTSAdult assembly required. This product contains smallparts and parts with sharp edges and points. Keep partsaway from children until fully assembled.WARNING LABELOwners shall be responsible for maintaining the legibilityof the warning labels.STRANGULATION HAZARD• NEVER allow children to play with ropes, clotheslines,pet leashes, cables, chains or cord-like items when usingthis play-set or to attach these items to play-set.• NEVER allow children to wear loose fitting clothing,ponchos, hoods, scarves, capes, necklaces, items withdraw-strings, cords or ties when using this play-set.• NEVER allow children to wear bike or sport helmetswhen using this play-set.Failure to prohibit these items, even helmets with chinstraps, increases the risk of serious injury and death tochildren from entanglement and strangulation.TIP OVER HAZARDChoose a level location for the equipment. This can reducethe likelihood of the play set tipping over and loose-fillsurfacing materials washing away during heavy rains.DO NOT allow children to play on the play-set until theassembly is complete and the unit is properly anchored.WARNINGWARNING – Safe Play Instructions2mOrientate slide such that it gets the least amount ofexposure to the sun.Warnings and Safe Play InstructionsCONTINUOUS ADULT SUPERVISION REQUIRED. Most serious injuries and deaths on playground equipment have occurredwhile children were unsupervised! Our products are designed to meet mandatory and voluntary safety standards. Complyingwith all warnings and recommendations in these instructions will reduce the risk of serious or fatal injury to children usingthis play system. Go over the warnings and safe play instructions regularly with your children and make certain that theyunderstand and follow them. Remember on-site adult supervision is required for children of all ages.Observe capacity limitations of your play-set. Seefront cover.Dress children with well fitting and full foot enclosingfootwear.Teach children to sit with their full weight in the centerof the swing seat to prevent erratic swing motion orfalling off.Check for splintered, broken or cracked wood; missing,loose, or sharp edged hardware. Replace, tighten and orsand smooth as required prior to playing.Verify that suspended climbing ropes, rope ladders, chainor cable are secured at both ends and cannot be loopedback on itself as to create an entanglement hazard.On sunny and or hot days, check the slide and otherplastic rides to assure that they are not very hot as tocause burns. Cool hot slide and rides with water and wipedry prior to using.Do not allow children to wear open toe or heel footwearlike sandals, flip–flops or clogs.Do not allow children to walk, in front, between, behindor close to moving rides.Do not let children twist swing chains or ropes or loopthem over the top support bar. This may reduce thestrength of the chain or rope and cause premature failure.Do not let children get off rides while they are in motion.Do not permit climbing on equipment when it is wet.Do not permit rough play or use of equipment in amanner for which it was not intended. Standing on orjumping from the roof, elevated platforms, swings,climbers, ladders or slide can be dangerous.Do not allow children to swing empty rides or seats.Do not allow children to go down slide head first orrun up slide.SERIOUS HEAD INJURY HAZARDInstallation over concrete, asphalt, dirt, grass, carpetand other hard surface creates a risk of serious injuryor death from falls to the ground. Install and maintainshock absorbing material under and around play-set asrecommended on page 3 of these instructions.COLLISION HAZARDPlace play-set on level ground at least 6 feet from anyobstruction such as a garage or house, fences, poles,trees, sidewalks, walls, landscape timbers, rocks,pavement, planters, garden borders, overhangingbranches, laundry lines, and electrical wires. (SeeOBSTACLE FREE SAFETY ZONE on cover)CHOKING HAZARD/SHARP EDGES & POINTSAdult assembly required. This product contains smallparts and parts with sharp edges and points. Keep partsaway from children until fully assembled.WARNING LABELOwners shall be responsible for maintaining the legibilityof the warning labels.STRANGULATION HAZARD• NEVER allow children to play with ropes, clotheslines,pet leashes, cables, chains or cord-like items when usingthis play-set or to attach these items to play-set.• NEVER allow children to wear loose fitting clothing,ponchos, hoods, scarves, capes, necklaces, items withdraw-strings, cords or ties when using this play-set.• NEVER allow children to wear bike or sport helmetswhen using this play-set.Failure to prohibit these items, even helmets with chinstraps, increases the risk of serious injury and death tochildren from entanglement and strangulation.TIP OVER HAZARDChoose a level location for the equipment. This can reducethe likelihood of the play set tipping over and loose-fillsurfacing materials washing away during heavy rains.DO NOT allow children to play on the play-set until theassembly is complete and the unit is properly anchored.WARNINGWARNING – Safe Play Instructions2

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One of the most important things you can do to reduce the likelihood of serious head injuries is to install shock-absorbingprotective surfacing under and around your play equipment. The protective surfacing should be applied to a depth that is suitablefor the equipment height in accordance with ASTM F1292. There are different types of surfacing to choose from; whicheverproduct you select, follow these guidelines:Loose-Fill Materials• Maintain a minimum depth of 9 inches of loose-fill materials such as wood mulch/chips, engineered wood fiber (EWF), orshredded/recycled rubber mulch for equipment up to 8 feet high; and 9 inches of sand or pea gravel for equipment up to 5 feethigh. NOTE: An initial fill level of 12 inches will compress to about a 9-inch depth of surfacing over time. The surfacing will alsocompact, displace, and settle, and should be periodically raked and refilled to maintain at least a 9-inch depth.• Use a minimum of 6 inches of protective surfacing for play equipment less than 4 feet in height. If maintained properly, thisshould be adequate. (At depths less than 6 inches, the protective material is too easily displaced or compacted.)NOTE: Do not install home playground equipment over concrete, asphalt, or any other hard surface. A fall onto a hard surfacecan result in serious injury to the equipment user. Grass and dirt are not considered protective surfacing because wear andenvironmental factors can reduce their shock absorbing effectiveness. Carpeting and thin mats are not adequate protectivesurfacing. Ground level equipment -- such as a sandbox, activity wall, playhouse or other equipment that has no elevated playsurface -- does not need any protective surfacing.• Use containment, such as digging out around the perimeter and/or lining the perimeter with landscape edging. Don’t forget toaccount for water drainage.• Periodically rake, check and maintain the depth of the loose-fill surfacing material. Marking the correct depth on the playequipment support posts will help you to see when the material has settled and needs to be raked and or replenished. Be sure torake and evenly redistribute the surfacing in heavily used areas.• Do not install loose fill surfacing over hard surfaces such as concrete or asphalt.Poured-In-Place Surfaces or Pre-Manufactured Rubber TilesYou may be interested in using surfacing other than loose-fill materials - like rubber tiles or poured-in-place surfaces.• Installations of these surfaces generally require a professional and are not “do-it yourself” projects.• Review surface specifications before purchasing this type of surfacing. Ask the installer/manufacturer for a report showing thatthe product has been tested to the following safety standard: ASTM F1292 Standard Specification for Impact Attenuation ofSurfacing Materials within the Use Zone of Playground Equipment. This report should show the specific height for which thesurface is intended to protect against serious head injury. This height should be equal to or greater than the fall height - verticaldistance between a designated play surface (elevated surface for standing, sitting, or climbing) and the protective surfacingbelow - of your play equipment.• Check the protective surfacing frequently for wear.PlacementProper placement and maintenance of protective surfacing is essential. Refer to diagram on front cover. Be sure to;• Extend surfacing at least 2m from the equipment in all directions, in accordance with EN71 Part 8.• For to-fro swings, extend protective surfacing in front of and behind the swing to a distance equal to twice the height of the top barfrom which the swing is suspended.• For tire swings, extend surfacing in a circle whose radius is equal to the height of the suspending chain or rope, plus 2m in alldirections.From the CPSC Outdoor Home Playground Safety Handbook. At Surfacing - Reducing Risk of Serious Head Injury From Falls.32H 2HHDenotes Use Zone with Protective SurfacingUse Zone for Single-Axis Swings6 ft.6 ft.6 ft.6 ft.Denotes Use Zone with Protective SurfacingUse Zone for Multi-Axis Swings6 ft. 6 ft.6 ft.L3

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Instructions for Proper MaintenanceYour Play System is designed and constructed of quality materials with your child’s safety in mind. As with all outdoorproducts used by children, it will weather and wear. To maximize the enjoyment, safety and life of your Play Set, it isimportant that you, the owner, properly maintain it.HARDWARE:Check metal parts for rust. If found,sand and repaint using a non-leadpaint complying with 16 CFR 1303.Inspect and tighten all hardware. Onwood assemblies DO NOT OVER-TIGHTEN as to cause crushing andsplintering of wood.Check for sharp edges or protruding screw threads, addwashers if required.SHOCK ABSORBING SURFACING:esoolfohtpedkcehcdnaekaR.stcejbongierofrofkcehCfill protective surfacing materials to prevent compactionand maintain appropriate depth. Replace as necessary.(See Protective Surfacing, page 3)GROUND STAKES (ANCHORS):dluohS.noitaroiretedroegamad,ssenesoolrofkcehCfirmly anchor unit to ground during use. Re-secure andor replace, if necessary.SWING HANGERS:dluohsspilckciuQ.thgitdnaeruceserastlobtahtkcehCbe completely closed and threaded clips screwed tight..®04-DWroliohtiwsgnihsubetacirbulsruccognikaeuqsfISWINGS, ROPES AND RIDES:llakcehC.nosaesdlocgniruddevomerfillatsnieRmoving parts including swing seats, ropes, chains andattachments for wear, rust and other deterioration.Replace as needed.dnasdnehtobtaeruces,thgiteraseportahtkcehCcannot loop back as to create an entrapment.WOOD PARTS:larutcurts,noitaroiretedrofsrebmemdoowllakcehCdamage and splintering. Sand down splinters and replacedeteriorated wood members. As with all wood, somechecking and small cracks in grain is normal..emitrevoderehtaewraeppalliwyeht,detcetorpnUPeriodic application of an exterior water repellent or stain(water-based) will help improve appearance and life.Check the following at the beginning of the play season:HARDWARE:tontub,tsniagaylmrfiebtsuM.ssenthgitroftcepsnIcrushing the wood. DO NOT OVER-TIGHTEN.This will cause splintering of wood..sdaerhtwercsgnidurtorprosegdeprahsrofkcehCAdd washers if required.SHOCK ABSORBING SURFACING:gnicafrusevitcetorpllfiesoolfohtpedkcehcdnaekaRmaterials to prevent compaction and maintain appropriatedepth. Replace as necessary.(See Protective Surfacing, page 3)Check twice a month during play season:SWING HANGERS:kooH.yltcerrocdetatneirodnaeruceserayehttahtkcehCshould rotate freely and perpendicular to support beam..®04-DWroliohtiwsgnihsubetacirbulsruccognikaeuqsfISWINGS AND RIDES:rofstnemhcattadnasniahc,seporlla,staesgniwskcehCfraying, wear, excessive corrosion or damage.Replace if structurally damaged or deteriorated.Check once a month during play season:SWINGS AND RIDES:edisnierotsdnasgniwsevomer,efilriehtgnolorpoTwhen outside temperature is below 32°F/0°C. Belowfreezing, plastic parts may become more brittle.SHOCK ABSORBING SURFACING:gnicafrusevitcetorpllfiesoolfohtpedkcehcdnaekaRmaterials to prevent compaction and maintain appropriatedepth. Replace as necessary.(See Protective Surfacing, page 3)Check at the end of the play season:If you dispose of your play set: Please disassemble and dispose of your unit so that it does not create any unreasonable hazardsat the time it is discarded. Be sure to follow your local waste ordinances.4Use an extraFlat WasherIf Bolt protrudesbeyond T-Nut4

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About Our WoodKidKraft Netherlands B.V. uses only premium playset lumber, ensuring the safest product for your children’s use. Althoughwe take great care in selecting the best quality lumber available, wood is still a product of nature and susceptible to weatheringwhich can change the appearance of your set.What causes weathering? Does it affect the strength of my Play System?One of the main reasons for weathering is the effects of water (moisture); the moisture content of the wood at the surface isdifferent than the interior of the wood. As the climate changes, moisture moves in or out of the wood, causing tension which canresult in checking and or warping. You can expect the following due to weathering. These changes will not affect the strength ofthe product:1. Checking is surface cracks in the wood along the grain. A post (4” x 4”) will experience more checking than a board (1” x 4”)because the surface and interior moisture content will vary more widely than in thinner wood.2. Warping results from any distortion (twisting, cupping) from the original plane of the board and often happens from rapidwetting and drying of the wood.3. Fading happens as a natural change in the wood color as it is exposed to sun-light and will turn a grey over time.How can I reduce the amount of weathering to my Play System?At the factory we have coated the wood with a water repellent or stain. This coating decreases the amount of water absorptionduring rain or snow thus decreasing the tension in the wood. Sunlight will break down the coating, applying a water repellant orstain on a yearly basis is important maintenance. (see your local stain and paint supplier for a recommended product)Most weathering is just the normal result of nature and will not affect safe play and enjoyment for your child. However if you areconcerned that a part has experienced a severe weathering problem please call our consumer relations department for further assistance.Please complete your product registration online at to receiveimportant product notifications and assure prompt warranty service.5 Year Limited WarrantyKidKraft Netherlands B.V. warrants that this product is free from defect in materials and workmanshipfor a period of one year from the original date of purchase. In addition, lumber is warranted for 5years against structural failure due to rot and insect damage. All other parts, such as hardware, swings,rides, accessories, and slides carry a one-year warranty only.This warranty applies to the original owner and registrant and is non-transferable.Regular maintenance is required to assure the integrity of your Play System. Failure by the ownerto maintain the product according to the maintenance requirements may void this warranty. Thiswarranty does not cover any inspection cost.This Limited Warranty does not cover:• Labor for replacement of any defective item(s);• Incidental or consequential damages;• Cosmetic defects which do not affect performance or integrity;• Vandalism; improper use or installation; acts of nature;• Minor twisting, warping, checking, or any other natural occurring properties of wood that do notaffect performance or integrity.KidKraft Netherlands B.V. products have been designed for safety and quality. Any modificationsmade to the original product could damage the structural integrity of the unit leading to failure andpossible injury. KidKraft Netherlands B.V. cannot assume any responsibility for modified products.Furthermore, modification voids any and all warranties.This product is warranted for RESIDENTIAL USE ONLY. Under no circ*mstance should a KidKraftNetherlands B.V. Play System be used in public settings such as schools, churches, playgrounds,parks, day cares and the like. Such use may lead to product failure and potential injury. Any and allpublic use will void this warranty.This Warranty gives you specific legal rights. You may have other rights as well which vary from state to state orprovince to province. This warranty excludes all consequential damages, however, some states do not allow thelimitation or exclusion of consequential damages, and therefore this limitation may not apply to you.5

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Keys to Assembly SuccessPart Identification KeyOn each page, you will find the parts andquantities required to complete the assemblystep illustrated on that page. Here is a sample.SymbolsThroughout these instructions symbols are provided as important reminders for proper and safe assembly.Proper Hardware AssemblyLag screws require drilling pilotholes to avoid splitting wood. Onlya flat washer is required. For ease ofinstallation liquid soap can be usedon all lag-type screws.For bolts, tap T-Nut into hole withhammer. Insert the hex bolt throughlock washer first then flat washer thenhole. Because the assemblies need tobe squared do not completely tightenuntil instructed. Pay close attention todiameter of the bolts. 5/16” is slightlylarger than 1/4”.Once the assembly is tightened, watch for exposedthreads. If a thread protrudes from the T-Nut, remove thebolt and add washers to eliminate this condition. Extrawashers have been provided for this purpose.This identifies information that requires specialattention. Improper assembly could lead to anunsafe or dangerous condition.Where this is shown, 2 or 3people are required to safelycomplete the step. To avoidinjury or damage to theassembly make sure to get help!Check that assembly is squarebefore tightening bolts.Use a measuring tape to assureproper location.Check that set or assembly is properly levelbefore proceeding.Pre-drill a pilot hole beforefastening screw or lag to preventsplitting of wood.This indicates time to tighten bolts, butnot too tight! Do not crush the wood.This may create splinters and causestructural damage.UseHelpUseHelpMeasureDistanceSquareAssemblyUseLevelPre-drill1/8” BitTightenBoltsNo YesCAUTION – Protrusion HazardTools Required6Shovel Level #2 & #3 Phillipsor RobertsonSafetyGlassesDrill (1/8”3/16” Bit)MeasuringTapeHammer Ratchet 1/2”,7/16” & 9/16”SquareRulerStepLadder12342X Post 2 x 4 x 83”6

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H6(2) Hex Bolt 1/4 x 4 3/4 92772431/4" Lock Washer - 1/4" Flat Washer - 1/4" T-NutH5(2) Hex Bolt 1/4 x 4 1/2" 92772421/4" Lock Washer - 1/4" Flat Washer - 1/4" T-Nut1/4" Lock Washer - 1/4" Flat Washer - 1/4" T-Nut(1) Hex Bolt 1/4 x 2 3/4" 9277223H11G1(4) Hex Bolt 5/16 x 1 1/2"5/16" Lock Washer - 5/16" Flat Washer - 5/16" T-Nut 9277312G5(5) Hex Bolt 5/16 x 4 1/2" 92773425/16" Lock Washer - 5/16" Flat Washer - 5/16" T-NutH7(4) Hex Bolt 1/4 x 5 1/2" 92772521/4" Lock Washer - 1/4" Flat Washer - 1/4" T-NutPB29274211(2) Pan Bolt 1/4 x 1 1/4"Lock Washer 1/4" Flat Washer 1/4" T-NutG4(4) Hex Bolt 5/16 x 4" 92773405/16" Lock Washer - 5/16" Flat Washer - 5/16" T-NutH2(22) Hex Bolt 1/4 x 2" 92772201/4" Lock Washer - 1/4" Flat Washer - 1/4" T-NutHardware Identification (Actual Size)H3(2) Hex Bolt 1/4 x 2 1/2" 92772221/4" Lock Washer - 1/4" Flat Washer - 1/4" T-NutH1(2) Hex Bolt 1/4 x 1 1/2" 92772121/4" Lock Washer - 1/4" Flat Washer - 1/4" T-NutH8(1) Hex Bolt 1/4 x 4 1/4" 92772411/4" Lock Washer - 1/4" Flat Washer - 1/4" T-Nut12

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STOP STOPSTOP STOPFirst Step: Inventory Parts - Read This Before Starting AssemblyC.Read the assembly manual completely, paying special attention to EN71 andASTM warnings; notes; and safety/maintenance information on pages 1 - 6.D.Before you discard your cartons fill out the form below or online at• The carton I.D. stamp is located on the end of each carton.• Please retain this information for future reference. You will need this information if youcontact the Consumer Relations Department.• Please refer to Page 6 for proper hardware assembly.• Each step indicates which bolts and/or screws you will need for assembly, as well asany flat washers, lock washers, t-nuts or lock nuts.A. This is the time for you to inventory all your hardware, wood and accessories,referencing the parts identification sheets. This will assist you with your assembly.• The wood pieces will have the four digit key number stamped on the ends of theboards. The wood pieces are referenced throughout the instructions with this number.CARTON I.D. STAMP: __ __ __ __ __ 14459 ___ (Box 4)CARTON I.D. STAMP: __ __ __ __ __ 14459 ___ (Box 5)CARTON I.D. STAMP: __ __ __ __ __ 14459 ___ (Box 6)CARTON I.D. STAMP: __ __ __ __ __ 14459 ___ (Box 1)CARTON I.D. STAMP: __ __ __ __ __ 14459 ___ (Box 2)CARTON I.D. STAMP: __ __ __ __ __ 14459 ___ (Box 3)MODEL NUMBER: 00400B. For Parts Replacement:• Use our Online form• Email us at• Call us at +31 20 305 862014

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europecustomerservice@kidkraft.comStep 1: Swing Beam AssemblyWarning: For your childs safety,orientate the swing hangers asshown to ensure your swing willhave proper swing motion wheninstalled. Failure to do so couldresult in premature failure of theswing hanger or swing chain.Hex Bolt AssemblyLockWasherT- NutFlatWasherHexBoltBolt Thru Hangers17731772Fig. 1.1Fig. 1.2FrontBackFrontBack17731772Make sure triangle istight against beamImportant!Fort End Side(No Overhang)Important!Swing End(With Overhang)Triangle Plates1 x CE SW Beam Front 2 x 6 x 69-1/2”1 x CE SW Beam Back 2 x 6 x 69-1/2”17731772HardwareWood PartsFig. 1.3Other Parts4 x Bolt Thru Swing Hangers1 x Triangle Plates (pkg of 4)x 4x 4A: In the middle holes of (1772) CESW Beam Back install 2 Bolt ThruSwing Hangers making sure theswing hangers are oriented in thedirection shown in fig. 1.3 to maintainproper swing motion.B: In the end holes of (1773) CE SWBeam Front install 2 Bolt-Thru SwingHangers making sure the swinghangers are oriented in the directionshown in fig. 1.3 to maintain properswing motion.D: Attach 1 Triangle Plate to each end of both the (1773) CE SW Beam Front and (1772) CE SW Beam Back using1 (G1) 5/16 x 1-1/2” Hex Bolt (with lock washer, flat washer and t-nut) per Triangle Plate in the hole indicated in fig.1.2. Correct hole usage is very important. Refer to fig 1.2 for correct placement of Hex Bolts.C: Attach 1 (H7) 1/4 x 5-1/2” HexBolt (with lock washer, flat washerand t-nut) to the ends of each (1772)CE SW Beam Back and (1773) CESW Beam Front. The bolts do notattach to anything, but MUST be in-stalled to the beams to prevent split-ting and checking of wood. (fig. 1.1)4 x 5/16 x 1-1/2” Hex Bolt(5/16” lock washer, 5/16” flat washer and 5/16” t-nut)4 x 1/4 x 5-1/2” Hex Bolt(1/4” lock washer, 1/4” flat washer and 1/4” t-nut)G1H7H7G115

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europecustomerservice@kidkraft.comStep 2: Swing End Assembly1756Hex Bolt AssemblyLockWasherT-NutFlatWasherHexBolt174917551749Fig 2.12 x SW Post 2 x 4 x 79-1/2”1 x SW Upright 2 x 4 x 44”1 x SW Support 5/4 x 4 x 40-1/2”17491756HardwareWood Parts2 x 5/16 x 4” Hex Bolt(5/16” lock washer, 5/16” flat washer, and 5/16” t-nut)3 x 5/16 x 4-1/2” Hex Bolt(5/16” lock washer, 5/16” flat washer, and 5/16” t-nut)G4G51755G4G5A: Attach 2 (1749) SW Posts to (1756) SW Upright using 2 (G4) 5/16 x 4” Hex Bolts (with lock washer, flat washerand t-nut). (fig. 2.1)B: Attach (1755) SW Support to both (1749) SW Posts and (1756) SW Upright using 3 (G5) 5/16 x 4-1/2” HexBolts (with lock washer, flat washer and t-nut). (fig. 2.1)16

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europecustomerservice@kidkraft.comStep 3: Swing BeamFig. 3.1Side withOverhangH817721773Fig. 3.2Fig. 3.3Fig. 3.44919G5G81 x SW Rail Block 2 x 4 x 5-3/8”4919HardwareWood Parts1 x 1/4 x 4-1/4” Hex Bolt(1/4” lock washer, 1/4” flat washer, 1/4” t-nut)1 x 5/16 x 4-1/2” Hex Bolt(5/16” lock washer, 5/16” flat washer, 5/16” t-nut)1 x 5/16 x 2” Hex Bolt(5/16” flat washer x 2, 5/16” lock nut)H8G5A: Place (4919) SW Rail Block in the centre between (1773) CE SW Beam Front and (1772) CE SW Beam Backand attach beams with 1 (H8) 1/4 x 4-1/4” Hex Bolt (with flat washer, lock washer and t-nut). (fig. 3.1 & 3.2)B: Attach Swing Beam Assembly to the side of the Swing End Assembly with the overhang (fig. 3.3) using 1 (G5)5/16 x 4-1/2” Hex Bolt (with lock washer, flat washer and t-nut) in the top hole of Triangle Plate and 1 (G8) 5/16 x2” Hex Bolt (with 2 flat washers and lock nut) in the bottom hole of Triangle Plate. (fig. 3.3) Make sure Swing EndAssembly flares out at an angle. (fig 3.4)Hex Bolt AssemblyLockWasherT-NutFlatWasherHexBoltG817

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europecustomerservice@kidkraft.com1 x SW Top 1 x 4 x 26-7/8”Step 4: Swing Side AssemblyNote: Pre-drill all holes usinga 1/8” drill bit before installingthe lag screws.17591771174817701757H203692 x Post 2 x 4 x 74”1 x SW Ground 1 x 5 x 60-1/4”1 x SW Floor 1 x 6 x 26-7/8”1 x Lower Diagonal 2 x 3 x 37”1 x Wall Mount 2 x 4 x 40-3/4”1771HardwareWood Parts11 x 1/4 x 2” Hex Bolt(1/4” lock washer, 1/4” flat washer, 1/4” t-nut)2 x 5/16 x 4” Hex Bolt(5/16” lock washer, 5/16” flat washer, 5/16” t-nut)1 x 1/4 x 3” Lag Screw (with 1/4” flat washer)1770175903691757 LS3Hex Bolt AssemblyLockWasherT-NutFlatWasherHexBoltPredrill Pilot Holes for Lag ScrewLagScrewFlatWasherPredrill 1/8”pilot holeUse factory drilledhole as a guideFig. 4.1Notice holelocationH2H2LS3H2G4H2H21748G4Fig. 4.2A: To 2 (1771) Posts attach (1770) SW Ground and (1759) SW Floor using 4 (H2) 1/4 x 2” Hex Bolts (with lockwasher, flat washer and t-nut) in each board. Be sure to keep bolts loose. (fig. 4.1)175917701771G4B: Attach (1748) SW Top to each (1771) Post with 2 (H2) 1/4 x 2” Hex Bolts (with lock washer, flat washer andt-nut) Hex Bolts are to be installed from the back of the assembly. Be sure to keep bolts loose. (fig. 4.2)C: Make sure assembly is square and then fasten (0369) Lower Diagonal to (1770) SW Ground at an angle using1 (H2) 1/4 x 2” Hex Bolt (with lock washer, flat washer and t-nut) and to (1771) Post using 1 (LS3) 1/4 x 3” LagScrew (with flat washer). (fig 4.2).D: Attach (1757) Wall Mount to (1759) SW Floor and (1748) SW Top with 2 (G4) 5/16 x 4” Hex Bolts (with lockwasher, flat washer and t-nut). (fig. 4.2)E: Tighten all bolts.H218

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europecustomerservice@kidkraft.comStep 5: Wall Side Assembly176917711760H2Hex Bolt AssemblyLockWasherT-NutFlatWasherHexBoltH2H2H217532 x Post 2 x 4 x 74”1 x Ground Side 1 x 5 x 42-1/4”1 x Floor 1 x 6 x 26-7/8”1 x Corner Block 2 x 3 x 4-1/2”1 x Top End 1 x 4 x 26-7/8”1771HardwareWood Parts10 x 1/4 x 2” Hex Bolt(1/4” lock washer, 1/4” flat washer, 1/4” t-nut)2 x #8 x 1-1/2” Wood ScrewH21769176017661753S2A: To 2 (1771) Posts attach (1760) Floor and (1769) Ground Side with 4 (H2) 1/4 x 2” Bolts (with lock washer,flat washer and t-nut) per board. (fig. 5.1)B: Attach (1753) Top End to each (1771) Post with 2 (H2) 1/4 x 2” Hex Bolts (with lock washer, flat washer andt-nut). These Hex Bolts are to be installed from the back of the assembly. (fig. 5.1)C: Attach (1766) Corner Block flush to angled extension of (1769) Ground Side with 2 (S2) 8 x 1-1/2” WoodScrews as shown in fig. 5.2.Fig. 5.2Fig. 5.1S21766Fig. 5.3Notice hole towards backBack1753H2176919

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europecustomerservice@kidkraft.comFig. 6.11752S71764Step 6: Front Frame AssemblyS7H6H61 x Floor Front 2 x 3 x 38-1/2”1 x Top Front 1 x 4 x 38-1/2”1764HardwareWood Parts2 x 1/4 x 4-3/4” Hex Bolt(1/4” lock washer, 1/4” flat washer, 1/4” t-nut)4 x #12 x 2” Pan Screw (with 3/16” flat washer)H61752S7Hex Bolt AssemblyLockWasherT-NutFlatWasherHexBoltFig. 6.21748177117591760Swing wall sideSlide wall sideParts removedfor clarity1771Notice holetowards topNotice holetowards bottomA: Attach (1764) Floor Front to (1771) Posts with 2 (H6) 1/4 x 4-3/4” Bolt (with flat washer, lock washer and t-nut). Hex Bolts to be installed from the inside of the assembly. (fig. 6.2)B: Attach (1752) Top Front to (1771) Posts with 4 (S7) 12 x 2” Pan Screws (with 3/16” flat washer). (1752) TopFront should be flush to the top of each (1771) Post. (fig. 6.1 & 6.2)20

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europecustomerservice@kidkraft.comStep 7: Rock Rail AssemblyFig. 7.11765S31766Hardware2 x #8 x 2-1/2” Wood Screw2 x #8 x 1-1/2” Wood Screw2 x #8 x 1-3/4” Wood ScrewS3A: Attach (1766) Corner Block 1/2” from bottom of (1765) Rock Rail with 2 (S3) 8 x 2-1/2” Wood Screws as shownin fig. 7.1.B: Make sure assembly is square and then attach (1765) Rock Rail with Corner Block to (1764) Floor Front with2 (S15) #8 x 1-3/4” Wood Screws. Top of (1765) Rock Rail angled edge should be flush to the top of (1764) FloorFront. (fig. 7.2 & 7.3)C: Attach (1770) SW Ground to (1765) Rock Rail with 2 (S2) #8 x 1-1/2” Wood Screws as shown in fig. 7.2 & 7.4.x 2S2Fig. 7.2Fig. 7.3176517641770176517641770FlushFig. 7.417651 x Corner Block 2 x 3 x 4-1/2”1 x Rock Rail 2 x 3 x 42-3/4”1766Wood Parts1765 S21/2”S15S1521

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europecustomerservice@kidkraft.com1751H2H11Step 8: Attach Centre Divider1 x Centre Divider 2 x 2 x 38”1751HardwareWood Parts1 x 1/4 x 2” Hex Bolt(1/4” lock washer, 1/4” flat washer, 1/4” t-nut)1 x 1/4 x 2-3/4” Hex Bolt(1/4” lock washer, 1/4” flat washer, 1/4” t-nut)H2A: Attach (1751) Centre Divider to (1752) Top Front with 1 (H2) 1/4 x 2” Bolt (with flat washer, lock washer andt-nut) from outside of the assembly and to (1764) Floor Front with 1 (H11) 1/4 x 2-3/4” Bolt (with flat washer, lockwasher and t-nut) from inside the assembly. (fig. 8.1)Hex Bolt AssemblyLockWasherT-NutFlatWasherHexBoltFig. 8.117641752176417511752H1122

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europecustomerservice@kidkraft.comStep 9: Attach GussetA: Make sure assembly is square and then place 1 (0312) Gusset tight to the under side of (1764) Floor Frontand to (1771) Post from the inside of the assembly. Make sure the gusset is flush to the outside of the post andattach with 2 (S4) #8 x 3” Wood Screws per side. (fig. 9.1, 9.2 & 9.3)Fig. 9.10312S4S4Hardware4 x #8 x 3” Wood ScrewS41 x Gusset 2 x 3 x 16”0312Wood PartsFig. 9.3Fig. 9.2S4177117710312176417711764Flush tooutside edge23

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europecustomerservice@kidkraft.comStep 10: Attach Lower FrontFig. 10.11767S151 x Lower Front 1 x 6 x 39-3/4”Wood Parts Hardware4 x #8 x 1-3/4” Wood ScrewS15Notice hole orientationtowards topA: Attach (1767) Lower Front flush to the top of (1766) Corner Block at (1769) Ground Side with 2 (S15) #8 x1-3/4” Screws. (fig. 10.1 & 10.2)B: Make sure (1767) Lower Front is level and then attach to (1765) Rock Rail with 2 (S15) #8 x 1-3/4” Screws.(fig. 10.1)176517691766Flush to top1767Fig. 10.2S15176724

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europecustomerservice@kidkraft.comStep 11: Floor Back AssemblyA: Attach (1762) Floor Back to (1761) Side Joist with 2 (H3) 1/4 x 2-1/2” Bolts (with flat washer, lock washer andt-nut) and 2 (S7) 12 x 2” Pan Screws (with flat washers) as shown in fig. 11.1. (1761) Side Joist should be flush tothe top of (1762) Floor Back. Bolts to be installed on (1761) Side Joist side and screws installed from (1762) FloorBack side.1761S7H31762H3Fig. 11.11 x Side Joist 2 x 2 x 34-3/4”1 x Floor Back 5/4 x 4 x 38-5/8”1761Wood Parts Hardware2 x #12 x 2 Pan Screw (with 3/16” flat washer)2 x 1/4 x 2-1/2” Hex Bolt(1/4” lock washer, 1/4” flat washer, 1/4” t-nut)S71762H325

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europecustomerservice@kidkraft.comStep 12: Floor Back Assembly1 x Floor Back Assembly (from Step 11)1 x Lower Back 1 x 5 x 38-1/2”HardwareWood Parts2 x #12 x 2” Pan Screw (with 3/16” flat washer)2 x 1/4 x 3” Lag Screw (1/4” flat washer)2 x 1/4 x 4-1/2” Hex Bolt(1/4” lock washer, 1/4” flat washer, 1/4” t-nut)S7A: On the back side of the assembly attach (1768) Lower Back flush to the bottom and outside edge of (1771)Posts with 2 (LS3) 1/4 x 3” Lag Screws (with flat washer) in the top, pre-drilled holes and 2 (S7) 12 x 2” PanScrews (with 3/16” flat washer) in the bottom holes as shown in fig. 12.1 & 12.3.B: Attach Floor Back Assembly from Step 11 to both (1771) Posts with 2 (H5) 1/4 x 4-1/2” Hex Bolts (with lockwasher, flat washer and t-nut) through (1762) Floor Back. Notice the hole orientation towards bottom of board.(fig. 12.1 & 12.2)Pre-drill all pilot holes using a1/8” drill bit before installingthe lag screws.Hex Bolt AssemblyLockWasherT-NutFlatWasherHexBoltPredrill Pilot Holes for Lag ScrewLagScrewFlatWasherPredrill 1/8”pilot holeUse factory drilledhole as a guide1768S7H5LS3H5H51768Fig. 12.1Fig. 12.2Fig. 12.3Hole towards bottomBack1762Floor BackAssemblyLS326

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europecustomerservice@kidkraft.comStep 12: Floor Back Assembly cont.0359PB2H1x 20359Loosely attach boltsFig. 12.4Fig. 12.5Fig. 12.6035917621758C: Attach 2 (0359) Front Dividers to (1762) Floor Back with 1 (H1) 1/4 x 1-1/2” Hex Bolt (with lock washer, flatwasher and t-nut) per board. Be sure to keep bolts loose. (fig. 12.4 & 12.6)D: Attach each (0359) Front Divider to (1758) Top Back using 1 (PB2) 1/4 x 1-1/4” Pan Bolt (with lock washer, flatwasher and t-nut) per board. Be sure to keep bolts loose. (fig. 12.4 & 12.5)E: Level and attach (1758) Top Back to both (1771) Posts using 4 (S7) #12 x 2” Pan Screws (with 3/16” flat wash-ers). (fig. 12.7)Hex Bolt AssemblyLockWasherT-NutFlatWasherHexBoltFig. 12.7S7S7Hardware4 x #12 x 2” Pan Screw (with 3/16” flat washer)2 x 1/4 x 1-1/2” Hex Bolt(1/4” lock washer, 1/4” flat washer, 1/4” t-nut)2 x 1/4 x 1-1/4” Pan Bolt(1/4” lock washer, 1/4” flat washer, 1/4” t-nut)S7H1PB21 x Top Back 1 x 4 x 38-1/2”2 x Front Divider 1 x 4 x 38”Wood Parts1758176217580359Hole towards top1771177127

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europecustomerservice@kidkraft.comStep 13: Chalk Wall AssemblyHardwareWood Parts10 x #8 x 1/2 Pan Screw (with #8 flat washer)4 x #8 x 1-1/8 Wood ScrewS11 x Lower Back Wall 1 x 4 x 31-1/2”1754A: Place the Chalk Wall Tarp in between each (0359) Front Divider and (1758) Top Back. Make sure tarp is tautand then attach to (1758) Top Back with 3 (S5) #8 x 1/2” Wood Screws (with #8 flat washer). Tighten the bolts inboth (0359) Front Dividers. (fig. 13.1)B: Recheck that tarp is taut and then attach Chalk Wall Tarp to both (0359) Front Dividers from the inside of theassembly with 2 (S5) #8 x 1/2” Pan Screws (with #8 flat washer) per board as shown in fig. 13.2.C: 3” above (1762) Floor Back attach (1754) Lower Back Wall to each (0359) Front Divider with 4 (S1) #8 x 1-1/8”Wood Screws. (fig. 13.3)D: Attach Chalk Wall Tarp to (1754) Lower Back Wall with 3 (S5) #8 x 1/2” Wood Screws (with #8 flat washer).(fig. 13.4)S5S5S503590359175803590359Fig. 13.1 Fig. 13.2Fig. 13.4 S5035917621754S1Fig. 13.303593”S5Other Parts1 x Chalk Wall Tarp175428

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europecustomerservice@kidkraft.comS41763HardwareWood Parts2 x #8 x 3” Wood ScrewS41 x Floor Joist 5/4 x 2 x 38-1/2”1763S417633-1/8”1-3/8”3-1/8”Step 14: Floor Frame AssemblyA: From inside of the assembly, measure 3-1/8” down from the top of (1759) SW Floor (fig. 14.2) and (1760) Floor(fig. 14.3) and then attach (1763) Floor Joist to each board with 1 (S4) #8 x 3” Wood Screws per end. Make surethe (1763) Floor Joist is installed with the 1-3/8” side facing up. (fig. 14.1 & 14.2)17601757175917591760Fig. 14.1Fig. 14.2Fig. 14.329

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europecustomerservice@kidkraft.comStep 15: Attach Floor BoardsA: Install 1 (1774) CE Gap Board to each end of the assembly attaching to (1761) Side Joist, (1763) Floor Joistand (1764) Front Floor using 5 (S2) #8 x 1-1/2” Wood Screws per board. Make sure boards are tight to (1759)SW Floor, (1760) Floor, (1762) Floor Back and each (1771) Post. (fig. 15.1)B: In between both (1774) CE Gap Boards place 5 (1776) Floor Boards making sure all boards are evenlyspaced. Attach to (1761) Side Joist, (1763) Floor Joist and (1764) Front Floor using 5 (S2) #8 x 1-1/2” WoodScrews per board. All boards should be tight to (1762) Floor Back. (fig. 15.2)C: Tight to (1751) Centre Divider and flush to top of (1776) Floor Board attach (1766) Corner Block to (1764)Floor Front with 2 (S3) #8 x 2-1/2” Wood Screws. (fig. 15.2 & 15.3)Fig. 15.1Fig. 15.2S21763175917641760176117711771x 5 per board176217641774177617741776177617761776S2x 5 per boardHardwareWood Parts5 x Floor Board 1 x 6 x 23-1/2”2 x CE Gap Board 1 x 6 x 23-1/2”1 x Corner Block 2 x 3 x 4-1/2”35 x #8 x 1-1/2” Wood Screw2 x #8 x 2-1/2” Wood ScrewS21776Fig. 15.317661766S3S3177417661751S3 x 2176430

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europecustomerservice@kidkraft.comStep 16: Attach Ground StakesA: Drive 2 (0318) Ground Stakes 10-1/2” into the ground at the 2 (1771) Posts on (1770) SW Ground as shownin fig.16.1. Attach using 2 (S3) #8 x 2-1/2” Wood Screws per ground stake. (fig. 16.1)MOVE FORT TO FINAL LOCATION. FINAL LOCATION MUST BE ON LEVEL GROUNDFig. 16.1S317701771177103180318S3Floor boards wereremoved for clarity2 x Ground Stake 1 1/4 x 1 1/2 x 14”0318HardwareWood Parts4 x #8 x 2-1/2” Wood ScrewS3WARNING: To prevent tipping and avoid potentialinjury, stakes must be driven 10-1/2” into ground.Digging or driving stakes can be dangerous if you do notcheck first for underground wiring, cables or gas lines.31

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europecustomerservice@kidkraft.comStep 17: Wall AssemblyA: On the Swing Side Wall attach 2 (0304) CE Floor Boards on either side of the (1757) Wall Mount with 4(S1) #8 x 1 1/8” Wood Screws per board. Make sure the bottom of the boards are 1” up from the (1774) CEGap Boards and there is approximately 3” between each (1771) Post and (0304) CE Floor Board, not exceed-ing 3-1/4”. (fig. 17.1 & 17.2)B: On the opposite wall attach 3 (0304) CE Floor Boards between the 2 (1771) Posts with 4 (S1) #8 x 1-1/8”Wood Screws per board. Make sure the bottom of the boards are 1” up from the (1774) CE Gap Board andthere is approximately 2-1/2” between each board, not exceeding 2-3/4”. (fig. 17.3 & 17.4)Fig. 17.10304x 4 per boardS103043“3“2-1/2“S15 x CE Floor Board 1 x 4 x 32-1/2”0304HardwareWood Parts20 x #8 x 1-1/8” Wood ScrewS1Fig. 17.4Fig. 17.3Fig. 17.21771177117711771177417741“32

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europecustomerservice@kidkraft.comStep 18: Canopy Roof AssemblyA: Feed both Canopy Tubes through each sleeve of the Canopy Roof until it reaches the mid point, then insertthe Canopy Tubes through the holes in (1750) Tarp Support and bring it up to the centre line. (fig. 18.1)B: Continue feeding Canopy Tubes through the rest of the Canopy Roof sleeves and then insert the ends of thetubes into tube holders. The flat side of the tube holders should face inwards. Make sure the notched out holesin the Canopy Roof are at the centre line. (fig. 18.1 & 18.2)C: Place Canopy Roof on fort at (1748) SW Top and (1753) Top End as shown in fig. 18.3. The tube holdersshould be 5/8” from outside edge and 3/4” from top of (1748) SW Top and (1753) Top End. (fig. 18.4) Pre-drillholes for the screws and then attach tube holders to each board with the 4 (S10) #8 x 1” Pan Screws per tubeholder. (fig. 18.3)1 x Tarp Support 1 x 2 x 26-7/8”1750HardwareWood Parts16 x #8 x 1” Pan ScrewS10Other Parts1 x Canopy2 x Canopy Tube4 x Canopy Tube HolderCanopy tubeCanopy sleeveTop of holderTube holderBottom of holderCentre lineFig. 18.11748S10x 4 per cornerFig. 18.3Fig. 18.2Fig. 18.43/4”5/8”17501750175333

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europecustomerservice@kidkraft.comS5x 4 per sideHardware8 x #8 x 1/2” Pan Screw (#8 flat washer)S5Fig. 18.517481753Step 18: Canopy Roof Assembly cont.D: Loosen the top bolt in (1757) Wall Mount, tuck Canopy Roof in between fort and (1757) Wall Mount and thensecure Canopy Roof to (1748) SW Top and (1753) Top End with 4 (S5) #8 x 1/2” Pan Screws (with #8 flat wash-er) per board. Be sure to re-tighten bolt in (1757) Wall Mount. (fig. 18.5)34

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europecustomerservice@kidkraft.comStep 19: Attach Rock RailFig. 19.31767Fig. 19.2Fig. 19.5Fig. 19.1Fig. 19.4176517641765S2Flush1778Flat washer17”1777Lock washerBarrel nutPan ScrewRockPan Bolt17651778177717781777Hardware20 x #8 x 1-1/2” Wood Screw4 x #8 x 1-3/4” Wood Screw2 x CE Rock Board A 1 x 6 x 17”2 x CE Rock Board B 1 x 6 x 17”1 x CE Access Board 1 x 6 x 17”1 x Rock Rail 2 x 3 x 42-3/4”1778Wood PartsS217772” Not toexceed2-1/4”A: Attach 1 (1765) Rock Rail 17” from the already installed (1765) Rock Rail to (1764) Floor Front and (1767)Lower Front with 4 (S15) #8 x 1-3/4” Wood Screws. Top of (1765) Rock Rail angled edge should be flush to thetop of (1764) Floor Front. (fig. 19.1 & 19.2)B: Attach (1779) CE Access Board to the top of each (1765) Rock Rail and tight to (1751) Center Divider asshown in fig. 19.5. Attach using 4 (S2) #8 x 1-1/2” Wood Screws. (fig. 19.5)C: 2” down from the bottom of (1779) CE Access Board attach 1 (1778) CE Rock Board A, followed by 2 (1777)CE Rock Board B and 1 more (1778) CE Rock Board A, making sure the sides are flush to the outside edges ofeach (1765) Rock Rail. Stagger Rock Boards so the rock holes do not form a straight line. Attach using 4 (S2) #8x 1-1/2” Wood Screws. Make sure the gap between boards are spaced 2” and do not exceed 2-1/4”. (fig. 19.5)D: Place 1 rock on each (1777) CE Rock Board A and (1778) CE Rock Board B (fig. 19.3) and attach usingincluded hardware. The screw must be in the hole directly under the Pan Bolt, it will stop the rock from spinning.(fig. 19.4)17791779S15S15S15x 4 perboard1765Other Parts1 x Rock with hardware (pkg of 4)S151751176435

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europecustomerservice@kidkraft.comWood Parts#12 x 2" Pan ScrewS72XHardware Attach (A2) Lower Side, (A9) End Floor, (W1) SLWall, & (W2) SL Top to 2 (A1) Posts using (H2)Bolts.Do not crush wood!Step -- Attach SlideStep 20: Attach SlideA: Attach Slide in opening to right of Rock Rail and tight to (1771) Post.B: Pre-drill 1/8” pilot holes and attach slide to fort through the floor boards and into (1764) Floor Front using 2(S7) #12 x 2” Pan Screws. (fig. 20.1 & 20.2)Fig. 20.21764Fig. 20.1Hardware2 x #12 x 2” Pan ScrewS7Other Parts1 x SlideS7S71751 1771Slide must be tight to (1771) PostWARNING36

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europecustomerservice@kidkraft.comFig. 21.1Step 21: Attach Swing To FortA: Attach Swing Assembly from Step 3 to (1757) Wall Mount with 1 (G5) 5/16 x 4-1/2” Hex Bolt (with lock washer,flat washer and t-nut) and 1 (G8) 5/16 x 2” Hex Bolt (with 2 flat washers and 1 lock nut) as shown in fig. 21.1 &21.2.Hex Bolt AssemblyLockWasherT-NutFlatWasherHexBoltHardware1 x 5/16 x 4-1/2” Hex Bolt(5/16” lock washer, 5/16” flat washer, 5/16” t-nut)1 x 5/16 x 2” Hex Bolt(5/16” flat washer x2, 5/16” lock nut)G8Fig. 21.2Lock nutFlat washerFlat washer Lock washerT-nutG81757G5G537

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europecustomerservice@kidkraft.comStep 22: Attach Ground Stakes to Swing EndA: Drive 1 (0318) Ground Stake 10-1/2” into the ground at each (1749) SW Post on the inside of the assemblyand attach with 2 (S3) #8 x 2-1/2” Wood Screws per ground stake. (fig. 22.1 & 22.2)Fig. 22.203181749Fig. 22.1S310-1/2”2 x Ground Stake 1 1/4 x 1 1/2 x 14”0318HardwareWood Parts4 x #8 x 2-1/2” Wood ScrewS3WARNING: To prevent tipping and avoid potential injury, stakesmust be driven 10-1/2” into ground. Digging or driving stakes can bedangerous if you do not check first for underground wiring, cables orgas lines.38

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europecustomerservice@kidkraft.com26Step 23: Attach SwingsA: Insert flexible Swing Hanger Cover over hook. (fig. 23.1)B: Slide Swing Hanger Cover around hook until at top. (fig. 23.2)C: Hook swing rope onto hook. (fig. 23.3)D: Twist and flex Swing Hanger Cover onto open end of hook. (fig. 23.4)Fig. 23.1x 2 Belt swingsOther PartsFig. 23.2 Fig. 23.3 Fig. 23.42 x Belt Swing4 x Swing Hanger Cover26Step 23: Attach SwingsA: Insert flexible Swing Hanger Cover over hook. (fig. 23.1)B: Slide Swing Hanger Cover around hook until at top. (fig. 23.2)C: Hook swing rope onto hook. (fig. 23.3)D: Twist and flex Swing Hanger Cover onto open end of hook. (fig. 23.4)Fig. 23.1x 2 Belt swingsOther PartsFig. 23.2 Fig. 23.3 Fig. 23.42 x Belt Swing4 x Swing Hanger CoverStep 23: Attach SwingsFig. 23.5Other Parts2 x Belt Swing4 x Swing Hanger Cover39

KidKraft Ainsley Outdoor Playset manual (2024)


How long does it take to assemble a KidKraft playset? ›

Depending on the size of your playset, assembling a KidKraft Playset can take anywhere between 4 to 26 hours when you've got two people working.

What is the weight limit for the Ainsley playset? ›

MAXIMUM VERTICAL FALL HEIGHT - 1.8m CAPACITY - 6 Users Maximum, Ages 3 to 10; Weight Limit 110 lbs. (49.9 kg) per child. RESIDENTIAL HOME USE ONLY. Not intended for public areas such as schools, churches, nurseries, day cares or parks.

What is the weight limit for KidKraft swing sets? ›

Our playsets are built for an age range of 3-10 year olds with a maximum weight of 110 lb. per child.

How long does it take to assemble a playset? ›

The installation can typically be done in four to seven hours. What annual maintenance is needed? Every year, you should inspect all the fasteners and make sure they're tight. Inspect all of the components of the playset — wood and nonwood — to make sure they're in good working condition.

How much does it cost to assemble a KidKraft swing set? ›

The cost to professionally install a KidKraft playset ranges from $300 to $900. The cost of the play structures ranges from $500 to $2,000, depending on the equipment purchased.

How much does labor cost to install a playset? ›

Most experts charge between $150 and $900 to install your playground equipment. You can expect to pay a local handyperson $150 to $250 or hire a team of specialists between $300 and $900. Many retailers that sell this playground equipment also offer installation for a $200 to $800 fee.

Is KidKraft a good brand? ›

When choosing a high-quality outdoor playset for kids, two top brands stand out: KidKraft and Backyard Discovery. Both offer excellent playground equipment but have key differences. While KidKraft is hard to beat for quality, affordability, and variety, the best brand depends on your family's needs and preferences.

Is it cheaper to build or buy a swing set? ›

Purchasing a pre-installed swing set or hiring someone to install it for you can be expensive, costing up to $2000. By opting for a DIY approach, you can save a significant amount, with costs ranging between $300 - $1000 depending on your choices of swings, seats, and lumber.

How long do wooden playsets last? ›

On average, well-maintained wooden playsets last about 20 years. However, several factors can impact the lifespan of a wooden playground set. One of the most significant is the quality of the materials used to construct it. If the wood is of poor quality, it may warp, crack, or rot easier than high-quality wood.

Does KidKraft do assembly? ›

KidKraft Assembly. We offer a wide range of professional KidKraft Assembly services for your kid's outdoor play enjoyment. And with thousands of certified local experts in our Expert Marketplace, you'll have peace of mind knowing you'll always be working with qualified professionals. Book Now!

At what age should a child get a swing set? ›

However, we would recommend that the minimum age is around 12 months. At this age, most children are able to sit upright and have control over their head and neck movements.

Do you put mulch down before playset? ›

We recommend installing a weed barrier before the play set is built and prior to adding mulch. The best weed barriers allow water to drain from the play area. Keep in mind that you'll need to first install the playset on the solid ground surface, and then fill in with mulch around and under the structure.

How long does it take to assemble a KidKraft modern playhouse? ›

Highly recommend! It took 2 grown adults 5-6 hours to assemble.

How long does it take to put together KidKraft dollhouse? ›

*Assembly took me, alone, about 1 1/2 - 2 hours; if you can get past step 1 (which requires the connection of about 5 parts, all at once), you will have no problem with the rest. KidKraft includes an allen wrench, you will also need a small screwdriver; the less handy may want a 2nd set of hands for help.

How long does it take to put a playhouse together? ›

Thanks to Whole Wood Playhouses, most families can assemble an outdoor playhouse in just a few hours.

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Author: Sen. Emmett Berge

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Author information

Name: Sen. Emmett Berge

Birthday: 1993-06-17

Address: 787 Elvis Divide, Port Brice, OH 24507-6802

Phone: +9779049645255

Job: Senior Healthcare Specialist

Hobby: Cycling, Model building, Kitesurfing, Origami, Lapidary, Dance, Basketball

Introduction: My name is Sen. Emmett Berge, I am a funny, vast, charming, courageous, enthusiastic, jolly, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.