How to Complete All John Cena 2K Showcase Objectives in WWE 2K23 (2024)

Never give up. You’re going to have to familiarize yourself with those three words if you hope to get past John Cena in WWE’s latest 2K Showcase mode. So while you make your way through 14 iconic matches chronicling his career, it’s best to know what you’re getting into. That’s why we’re here to break down how to complete all John Cena 2K Showcase objectives in WWE 2K23.

All John Cena Showcase Objectives in WWE 2K23

Over the course of the entire “Never Give Up” Showcase in WWE 2K23, players will have to go toe-to-toe with Cena on 14 separate occasions. Of course, completing each of these matches enables you to unlock several bonus items scattered throughout the game, but winning these matches won’t be enough. In order to continue progressing through this showcase, each match will present a set of specific objectives.

Rob Van Dam— ECW One Night Stand, 2006

  • Successfully Attack, Grapple, or Dive at Cena to Damage
    • PlayStation: X/Square.
    • Xbox: A/X.
  • Perform a Hammer Throw on John Cena
    • PlayStation: Circle, then Hold Circle + Left Joystick.
    • Xbox: B, then Hold B + Left Joystick.
  • Perform Two Heavy Combos (Pause Menu)
    • PlayStation: Any combo with X.
    • Xbox: Any combo with A.
  • Irish Whip (Standing In Front of Cena)
    • PlayStation: Circle to grab, Circle + Left Joystick in intended direction.
    • Xbox: B to grab, B + Left Joystick in intended direction.
  • Diving Moonsault (Cena Must Be Out of the Ring)
    • PlayStation: X from the top turnbuckle.
    • Xbox: A from the top turnbuckle.
  • Corkscrew Leg Drop (Lean Cena on North or South Barricade)
    • PlayStation: Circle.
    • Xbox: B.
  • Hit John Cena with a Chair (Weapon) In the Ring
    • PlayStation: L1.
    • Xbox: Left Bumper.
  • Perform RVD’s Rolling Thunder Signature Move (Stored Move)
    • PlayStation: R2 + Square.
    • Xbox: RT + X.
  • Perform a Heavy Grapple Attack (In Front of Opponent)
    • PlayStation: Circle to grab + X.
    • Xbox: B to grab + A.
  • Perform a Diving Attack (From the Top Rope)
    • PlayStation: Square or X.
    • Xbox: X or A.
  • Hammer Throw (Again)
  • Perform One Light Combo (Pause Menu)
    • PlayStation: Combo that only involves Square.
    • Xbox: Combo that only involves X.
  • Grab and Set a Table in the Corner of the Ring While Cena is Down
    • PlayStation: L1 to grab Table, X to lean when near corner.
    • Xbox: Left Bumper to grab Table, A to lean when near corner.
  • Heavy Grapple Attack (Again)

Kurt Angle — SmackDown, 2002

  • Perform Two Light Grapples (Standing in Front of Cena)
    • PlayStation: Circle + Left Joystick (Directional) + Square.
    • Xbox: B + Left Joystick (Directional) + X.
  • Successfully Attack, Grapple, or Dive at Cena to cause big damage
  • Go for Ankle Lock Finisher (Standing at Cena’s feet w/ Stored Finisher)
    • PlayStation: R2 + X.
    • Xbox: RT + A.
  • Perform a Heavy Combo (Pause Menu)
    • PlayStation: Any combo with X.
    • Xbox: Any combo with A.
  • Perform a Light Attack
    • PlayStation: Square.
    • Xbox: X.
  • Perform Kurt Angle’s Angle Slam Signature Move (Stored)
    • PlayStation: R2 + Square.
    • Xbox: RT + X.
  • Dodge/Reverse Cena’s attacks Three Times
    • PlayStation: Triangle.
    • Xbox: Y
  • Perform Three German Suplexes on Cena (In-Ring)
    • PlayStation: Circle to grab, Left Joystick (Left) + X.
    • Xbox: B to grab, Left Joystick (Left) + A.
  • Perform One Light Combo (Pause Menu)
    • PlayStation: Combo that only involves Square.
    • Xbox: Combo that only involves X.

The Undertaker— Vengeance, 2003

  • Successfully Attack, Grapple, or Dive at Cena to Damage
  • Hammer Throw
  • Grab Cena outside of the ring (Cena Must Be Grounded)
    • PlayStation: Circle.
    • Xbox: B.
  • Perform Apron Guillotine Drop (On Apron, Cena In-Ring)
    • PlayStation: Circle to grab (When Cena is near the ropes).
    • Xbox: B to grab (When Cena is near the ropes).
  • Perform Two Body Blow and Uppercut Attacks (In Front of Cena)
    • PlayStation: Left Joystick (Towards Cena) + X
    • Xbox: Left Joystick (Towards Cena) + A
  • Dodge/Block Cena’s Attacks Three times
  • Perform Undertaker’s Old School Signature Move (Standing In Front of Cena)
    • PlayStation: Circle to Grab, Left Joystick (Up) + X.
    • Xbox: B to Grab, Left Joystick (Up) + A.
  • Perform Undertaker’s Chokeslam Signature Move (Stored)
    • PlayStation: R2 + Square (HOLD Square).
    • Xbox: RT + X (HOLD X).
  • Dodge/Reverse Cena’s attacks Three times
  • Perform a Submission Move (Standing in Front of Cena, or at Feet/Side/Head of Grounded Cena)
    • PlayStation: R2 + Circle.
    • Xbox: RT + B.
  • Break Cena’s Grapple/Combo Attack
    • PlayStation: Square, X, or Circle depending on Cena’s attempt.
    • Xbox: X, A, or B depending on Cena’s attempt.
  • Perform Front Heavy Corner Attack (Dazed Cena in Corner)
    • PlayStation: X.
    • Xbox: A.
  • Perform Two Flip Clotheslines (Cena Standing)
    • PlayStation: L2 + Left Joystick (Towards Cena), X.
    • Xbox: LT + Left Joystick (Towards Cena), A.
  • Successfully Attack, Grapple, or Dive at Cena to Damage
  • Perform Front Light Corner Attack (Dazed Cena in Corner)
    • PlayStation: Square.
    • Xbox: X.
How to Complete All John Cena 2K Showcase Objectives in WWE 2K23 (1)

The Undertaker— WrestleMania 34, 2018

  • Perform Five Front Light Corner Attacks (Dazed Cena in Corner)
  • Perform a Flip Clothesline
  • Perform Undertaker’s Old School Move
  • Perform a Snake Eyes/Big Boot Combo (Dazed Cena in Corner)
    • PlayStation: Circle to Grab, Left Joystick (Away from Cena) + X.
    • Xbox: B to grab, Left Joystick (Away from Cena) + A.
  • Perform Running DDT (Standing Cena)
    • PlayStation: L2 (HOLD) + Left Joystick (Towards Cena), Circle.
    • Xbox: LT (HOLD), + Left Joystick (Towards Cena), B.
  • Successfully Attack, Grapple, or Dive at Cena to Damage
  • Perform Undertaker’s Chokeslam Signature Move (Stored)
  • Perform Undertaker’s Tombstone Piledriver Finisher (Stored)
  • Pin Cena

Triple H— Night of Champions, 2008

  • Perform a Rebound Attack on Cena (Don’t Run)
    • PlayStation: Irish Whip, then Square, X, or Circle.
    • Xbox: Irish Whip, then X, A, or B.
  • Perform a Hammer Throw.
  • Perform a Vertical Suplex Ringside (Standing in front of Cena)
    • PlayStation: Circle to grab, then Left Joystick (Up) + X.
    • Xbox: B to grab, then Left Joystick (Up) + A.
  • Perform an Irish Whip (In the Ring)
  • Dodge/Reverse/Break Three Cena Attacks
  • Perform an Opponent Taunt
    • Right on D-Pad in Cena’s Direction.
  • Attempt Triple H’s Pedigree Finishing Move (Stored)
    • PlayStation: R2 + X.
    • Xbox: RT + A.
  • Dodge/Block Three Cena Attacks
  • Perform Pedigree Finishing Move (Stored)
  • Perform a Light Attack
  • Perform a Carry Attack (Standing in front of Cena)
    • PlayStation: Circle to grab, R1 + Left Joystick (Directional) to initiate Carry, X.
    • Xbox: B to grab, RB to initiate Carry, A.
  • Perform Triple H’s Spinebuster Signature Move (Stored)
  • Attempt Another Pedigree Finishing Move (Stored)
  • Perform Another Pedigree Finishing Move (Stored)
  • Pin Cena

AJ Styles— SummerSlam, 2016

  • Dodge/Block Three Cena Attacks
  • Perform a Dropkick on an Irish Whip Rebound
    • PlayStation: Square.
    • Xbox. X.
  • Perform a Slingshot DDT (On Apron, Cena In-Ring)
    • PlayStation: Circle.
    • Xbox: B.
  • Perform a Submission Move on a grounded Cena
  • Perform a Front Heavy Attack
  • Perform a Front Heavy Grapple
    • PlayStation: Circle to grab, X.
    • Xbox: B to grab, A.
  • Perform AJ Styles’ 450 Splash Signature Move (Stored, Styles on Apron, Cena Grounded In-Ring)
  • Perform a Wheelbarrow Facebuster (Standing Behind Cena In-Ring)
    • PlayStation: Circle to grab, Left Joystick (Left) + X.
    • Xbox: B to grab, Left Joystick (Left) + A.
      • Push Right Joystick Right to Turn Cena Around.
  • Perform a Grab Combo (Pause Menu)
  • Perform a Light Corner Attack (Cena in Corner)
  • Attack Cena’s Legs (Cena Grounded)
  • Perform Springboard Moonsault DDT (In-Ring, Near Ropes, Cena Standing)
    • PlayStation: L1 (While Near Ropes) + Square.
    • Xbox: LB (While Near Ropes) + X.
  • Attempt Another Front Heavy Grapple Attack
  • Perform AJ Styles’ Phenomenal Forearm Finishing Move (Styles Must Be on the Apron)
  • Pin Cena

Edge— SummerSlam, 2006

  • Perform a Front Light Grapple Attack
    • PlayStation: Circle, Left Joystick (Directional) + Square.
    • Xbox: B, Left Joystick (Directional) + X.
  • Perform a Grounded Heavy Attack (Standing Next to Grounded Cena)
    • PlayStation: X.
    • Xbox: A.
  • Perform a Crowd Taunt
    • D-Pad Left.
  • Perform a Running Single Leg Dropkick (In-Ring)
    • PlayStation: L2 (HOLD) + Left Joystick (Run towards Cena), X.
    • Xbox: LT (HOLD) + Left Joystick (Run towards Cena), A.
  • Perform a Diving Attack (From the Top Rope; Cena Must be Standing)
    • PlayStation: Square or X.
    • Xbox: X or A.
    • Taunt Up on D-Pad to get Cena up.
  • Perform a Grounded Light Grapple Attack (Standing In-Ring Next to Grounded Cena)
    • PlayStation: Circle, Square.
    • Xbox: B, X.
  • Perform Two Front Running Attacks (Cena Standing)
    • PlayStation: L2 + Square or X.
    • Xbox: LT + X or A.
    • Taunt Up on D-Pad to get Cena up.
  • Perform Edge’s Edgecution Signature Move (Stored)
  • Perform Any Three Combos (Pause Menu)
  • Run to the Corner to Climb the Top Rope (Cena In-Ring)
    • PlayStation: L2 (HOLD) + Left Joystick (Towards Corner).
    • Xbox: LT (HOLD) + Left Joystick (Towards Corner).
  • Perform an Opponent Taunt (Both Cena & Edge In-Ring)
    • Right on the D-Pad.
  • Reverse/Break Cena’s Attack
  • Perform Another Edgecution Signature Move (Stored)
  • Attempt Edge’s Spear Finishing Move (Stored, From Corner)

Edge— New Year’s Revolution, 2006

  • Perform Two Heavy Combos
  • Perform Edge’s Spear Finishing Move (In-Ring)
    • While Running Towards Cena.
  • Perform Another Spear (In-Ring)
    • While Running Towards Cena.
  • Pin Cena
How to Complete All John Cena 2K Showcase Objectives in WWE 2K23 (2)

Roman Reigns— SummerSlam, 2021

  • Perform a Headlock Punch (Standing Behind Cena)
    • PlayStation: Circle, Left Joystick (Down) + Square.
    • Xbox: B, Left Joystick (Down) + X.
  • Perform a Heavy Grapple Attack Front Shoulder Tackle (Cena In Corner)
    • PlayStation: Circle to Front Grab, Left Joystick (Towards) + X.
    • Xbox: B to Front Grab, Left Joystick (Towards) + A.
  • Perform Two Snap Suplexes (Standing In Front of Cena)
    • PlayStation: Circle to Grab, Left Joystick (Down) + Square.
    • Xbox: B to Grab, Left Joystick (Down) + X.
  • Perform an Irish Whip
  • Dodge/Block/Reverse Two Cena Attacks
  • Perform a DDT
    • PlayStation: Circle to Grab, Left Joystick (Left) + Square.
    • Xbox: B to Grab, Left Joystick (Left) + X.
  • Perform a Heavy Combo
  • Perform the Cravate Sleeper (Standing In Front of Cena)
    • PlayStation: R2 + Circle.
    • Xbox: RT + B.
  • Perform a a Front Running Attack
  • Attempt Roman Reigns’ Superman Punch Signature Move (Stored, Grounded Cena)
    • Trigger Move in the Corner.
  • Perform Another Front Running Attack
  • Reverse/Break Two Cena Attacks
  • Attempt Roman Reigns’ Spear Finishing Move (Stored, From Corner)
  • Perform Another Spear (Stored, From Corner)
  • Pin Cena

The Rock— WrestleMania 28, 2012

  • Perform a Headlock Punch
  • Dodge/Reverse/Block Three Cena Attacks
  • Perform a Rebound Attack
  • Perform an Irish Whip
  • Perform The Rock’s Rock Bottom Finishing Move On the Announcer’s Table (Stored)
  • Perform an Arm Wrench DDT (Standing In Front of Cena)
    • PlayStation: Circle to Grab, Left Joystick (Up) + X.
    • Xbox: B to Grab, Left Joystick (Up) + A.
  • Perform a Jumping Clothesline (In-Ring)
    • PlayStation: L2 + Left Joystick (Towards Cena) + X.
    • Xbox: LT + Left Joystick (Towards Cena) + A.
  • Attempt a Light Combo Attack
  • Damage Cena’s Legs
  • Perform The Rock’s Sharpshooter Signature Move (Stored, In-Ring, Cena Grounded)
  • Irish Whip Cena Into the Steel Stairs (Outside the Ring)
  • Attempt a Rock Bottom (In-Ring)
  • Reverse/Break Cena’s Attack
  • Perform an Opponent Taunt
    • Right on the D-Pad.
  • Perform a Diving Attack (Cena Must Be Standing)

Brock Lesnar— SummerSlam, 2014

  • Perform a Heavy Combo Attack
  • Attempt a Front Corner Attack
  • Suplex Cena Eight Times
    • Front Grapple
      • PlayStation: Circle, Left Joystick (Left) + X.
      • Xbox: B, Left Joystick (Left) + A.
    • Rear Light Grapple
      • PlayStation: Circle, Left Joystick (Down) + Square.
      • Xbox: B, Left Joystick (Down) + X.
    • Rear Heavy Grapple
      • PlayStation: Circle, Left Joystick (Up) + X.
      • Xbox: B, Left Joystick (Up) + A.
  • Successfully Attack, Grapple, or Dive at Cena to Damage
  • Perform a Submission Move (In-Ring)
  • Attempt a Rear Heavy Grapple (In-Ring)
  • Suplex Cena Seven More Times
  • Perform Two Opponent Taunts
  • Perform Two Heavy Combo Attacks
  • Attempt a Leg Stomp Limb Attack (Grounded Cena)
    • PlayStation: Move Towards Cena’s Legs, Circle + Square.
    • Xbox: Move Towards Cena’s Legs, B + X.
  • Perform Brock Lesnar’s F-5 Finishing Move
    • PlayStation: R2 + X (DO NOT HOLD).
    • Xbox: RT + A (DO NOT HOLD).
  • Pin Cena

Brock Lesnar— Backlash, 2003

  • Perform a Backbreak/Toss Combo Attack (Standing In Front of Cena, In-Ring)
    • PlayStation: Circle to Grab, Left Joystick (Left) + X.
    • Xbox: B to Grab, Left Joystick (Left) + A.
  • Successfully Attack, Grapple, or Dive at Cena to Damage
  • Perform a Fallaway Slam (Standing In Front of Cena, In-Ring)
    • PlayStation: Circle to Grab, Left Joystick (Down) + Square.
    • Xbox: B to Grab, Left Joystick (Down) + X.
  • Perform an Irish Whip
  • Reverse/Break Cena’s Move
  • Perform Two Heavy or Grab Combos
  • Attempt a Front Heavy Attack (In-Ring)
  • Perform a Running Clothesline (In-Ring)
  • Reverse/Break Another One of Cena’s Moves
  • Successfully Attack, Grapple, or Dive at Cena to Damage
  • Perform a Standing Powerslam(Standing In Front of Cena)
    • PlayStation: Circle to Grab, Left Joystick (Down) + X.
    • Xbox: B to Grab, Left Joystick (Down) + A.
  • Attempt a Front Heavy Grapple

Batista— SummerSlam, 2008

  • Perform a Crowd Taunt
    • Left on the D-Pad.
  • Attempt a Front Heavy Grapple
  • Perform a Release Back Suplex (In-Ring, Standing Behind Cena)
    • PlayStation: Circle to Grab, Left Joystick (Left) + X.
    • Xbox: B to Grab, Left Joystick (Left) + A.
  • Perform a Sidewalk Slam (Standing In Front of Cena)
    • PlayStation: Circle to Grab, Left Joystick (Up) + Square.
    • Xbox: B to Grab, Left Joystick (Up) + X.
  • Attempt the Figure Four Leglock (Grounded Cena, Standing By Legs)
    • PlayStation: R2 + Circle.
    • Xbox: RT + B.
  • Damage Cena’s Legs to Orange Level
  • Attempt a Front Heavy Grapple
  • Perform Three Light or Heavy Combos
  • Perform Batista’s Spinebuster Signature Move (Stored)
  • Attempt Batista’s Batista Bomb Finishing Move (Stored)
  • Perform a Bearhug Submission Move (Standing In Front of Cena)
    • PlayStation: R2 + Circle.
    • Xbox: RT + B.
  • Reverse/Break Cena’s Attack
  • Attempt a Front Heavy Attack While Cena is On the Top Turnbuckle
    • Irish Whip Into the Corner, Right Joystick (Up) to place him.
  • Perform a Batista Bomb
  • Pin Cena

Randy Orton— Hell In a Cell, 2009

  • Irish Whip Cena Into the Stairs (Ringside)
  • Successfully Attack, Grapple, or Dive at Cena to Damage
  • Attempt a Front Light Grapple (Ringside)
  • Perform a Face Scrub (Orton on Apron, Cena In-Ring)
    • PlayStation: X.
    • Xbox: A.
  • Perform Orton’s DDT (Standing In Front of Cena)
    • PlayStation: Circle to Grab, Left Joystick (Right) + X.
    • Xbox: B to Grab, Left Joystick (Right) + A.
  • Perform a Front Heavy Grapple
  • Hit Cena With a Chair Twice (In-Ring)
  • Attempt a Heavy Combo Attack
  • Perform a Crowd Taunt
    • Left on the D-Pad.
  • Perform a Front Light Attack (Cena In Corner)
  • Perform Randy Orton’s Punt Kick Finishing Move (Stored, In Corner, Cena Grounded)
    • PlayStation: R2 + X (DO NOT HOLD).
    • Xbox: RT + A (DO NOT HOLD).
  • Pin Cena

WWE 2K23 Bonus Matches in John Cena Showcase

Oh, you thought those 14 matches were all you had to go through? Think again. 2K still had a few surprises up their sleeve after you made your way through the many forms of John Cena.

Bonus Match #1 — The Choice

After taking John Cena apart across 14 different matches, YOU — the player — get to choose his toughest opponent. Now, it can be anyone of those folks from the 14 matches you just played through, OR, you can pick someone entirely different.

Either way, the bell rings, and:

  • John Cena Hits the Attitude Adjustment and Pins You 1-2-3.
  • Players Are Greeted with a “LOLCENAWINS!!! GOT ‘EM!!!” Message Before Moving On.

Bonus Match #2 — Didn’t See That Coming

Time for Round 2. Once again, the player gets to choose Cena’s toughest test from either the list available or an entirely new challenge. But when the match begins, you literally cannot see John Cena. That’s right, folks, they pulled out all the stops with this one.

Thankfully though, you can see his clothes, and that’s enough to get the festivities started.

  • Perform a Heavy Combo Attack (In-Ring)
  • Successfully Attack, Grapple, or Dive at Cena to Damage
  • Attempt to Perform Your Finishing Move (Stored, In-Ring)
  • Pin Super Cena

Bonus Match #3 — Council of Legends

For the final match of the 2K Showcase, Cena is interrupted during his closing monologue and is instructed to grab his gear and head to the ring. Suddenly, you’re Cena at WrestleMania, and you’re about to be greeted by “Stone Cold” Steve Austin, “The Immortal” Hulk Hogan, and the longest-reigning champion in WWF/E history, Bruno Sammartino.

Thankfully, this is an elimination match and not just a single fall. Oh, and Disqualification is off. So, you know, do with that what you will.

  • Pin Bruno (Grounded) or Make Him Submit
  • Pin Hogan (Grounded) or Make Him Submit
  • Pin Austin (Grounded) or Make Him Submit

It does not matter which order you eliminate these three in, as long as you eliminate them all. So there you have it, from Sammartino dominating the 1960s and 1970s, to Hulkamania running wild throughout the 1980s and 1990s, to “Stone Cold” ushering in “The Attitude Era.” You’ve officially done it all, and you never gave up.

And that, my friends and fellow fans, is how to complete all John Cena 2K Showcase objectives in WWE 2K23. If you’re looking for more on the game, the good news is you won’t have to go far. Be sure to check out our other guides and updates at the various links below.

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How to Complete All John Cena 2K Showcase Objectives in WWE 2K23 (2024)
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Name: Lidia Grady

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Introduction: My name is Lidia Grady, I am a thankful, fine, glamorous, lucky, lively, pleasant, shiny person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.